Fat loss and AAS..Let's talk about! (Is there some real truth?)

Exactly..Now if people utilize AAS solely just for fat burning properies in the absence of a structured diet and workout regiment, then they're surely farting peas at the moon.. Missing the picture clearly!

sad part is that the media out there is saying it is a fat burner and like "speed" or "diet pills" where the craze back in the days to lose fat so is AAS now, which is sad because the kids or younger generation does not realize the damage they are doing to themselves.
On another board I posted the same topic and the feedback was absolutely outstanding, members that were registered but hardly active were coming out of the Woodworks explaining their stories with trt and being overweight, and how testosterone therapy assisted with their weight loss.... it was really inspiring to hear some of these stories....

Then there was the other half of individuals that receive half ass gains, while using hormones with a poorly structured diet...

This is truly not a one-size-fits-all lifestyle.... you will hear some amazing inspiring stories and at other times you will just face plant into your palms shaking your head...

The information that I posted wasn't pressed by the media this is information and research the I've gathered along with my personal input on the matter.... now commercialized promotions for TRT I feel is a bit exaggerated, of course because large Pharma has their hands in the cookie jar...
That's the beauty of debates, you get to hear different points of views, whether one agrees or not,everyone is entitled to their share..

Now, I have some MORE overwhelming evidence that androgens DO in fact target cellular groups,and fatty tissue outside the realm of targeting AR's..There's undeniable facts citing "adipose tissue" is targeting DIRECTLY....

Muscle building,protein synthesis and increased nitrogen (increased nitrogen balance can be achieve from just diet alone,without AAS) is a completely different topic...Those instances reflect on metabolic rates,macro nutritional intake and the type of workout regiment employed..There's a series of energy conversion methods to exploit adipose tissue,but the topic is HOW AAS solely has direct or indirect targeting properties without being adding to the equation of diet or training...

Now, there will be negligence,ignorance and simply those that will rely or become dependent on AAS to substitute where they lack any actually commitment, know-how or fundamentals on which the primary fat loss principals are based on when it pertains to diet,cardio,training or a health lifestyle all together..

My case and point was to dismiss any talk that AAS does NOT directly effect adipose cells alone....

[h=1]Effect of testosterone on abdominal adipose tissue in men.[/h]Rebuffé-Scrive M1, Mårin P, Björntorp P.
[h=3]Author information[/h]

[h=3]Abstract[/h]Recent studies in men have shown that abdominal fat increases with age and decreasing testosterone concentrations. Furthermore, in cell culture, testosterone expresses an increased lipolytic potential and depresses lipoprotein lipase activity (LPL) in adipose cells. These metabolic characteristics are found in abdominal adipose tissue in young men. In order to see whether abdominal fat masses in moderately obese middle-aged men might be diminished by testosterone, this hormone was given either as a single injection (500 mg) or in moderate doses (40 mg X 4) for 6 weeks in an oral preparation, bypassing the liver. When measured 1 week after the single dose, abdominal LPL tended to decrease. After 6 weeks a dramatic decrease of abdominal LPL was found, as well as an increase in the lipolytic responsiveness to norepinephrine, both changes confined solely to the abdominal, and not femoral adipose tissue regions. The waist/hip circumference decreased in 9 out of the 11 examined men. No untoward effects were seen in behavioural variables, blood pressure, triglyceride or cholesterol values, and liver function tests. These preliminary results suggest that administration of testosterone in moderate doses to middle-aged men lead to adaptations of the metabolism of adipose tissue expected to be followed by a diminution of this mass.

Uhhh, maybe you have access to the full study, but I see nothing in this abstract that indicates that adipose tissue itself is being targeted by androgens at all. They're just using LPL as a marker, but it's still measurements that they're going by. They also make sure to mention the age of the men, yet no indication whether they were eugonadal or not. That's a pretty big difference in and of itself. :)
Uhhh, maybe you have access to the full study, but I see nothing in this abstract that indicates that adipose tissue itself is being targeted by androgens at all. They're just using LPL as a marker, but it's still measurements that they're going by. They also make sure to mention the age of the men, yet no indication whether they were eugonadal or not. That's a pretty big difference in and of itself. :)

It could be a big difference if you refuse to see and recognize the role of Androgens in the Adipose tissue of males...The study was conduct in general to summarize on the effects with MALES, sex,age etc is important when narrowed downed to a specific study, but these were conducted for the demonstration in which other studies have derived from thereafter and even some that have inspired these from prior..

Try reading about The "Role" of Androgens in adipose tissue of males... Its rather interesting.. ;)

Here's an other below..

[h=1]Understanding androgen action in adipose tissue[/h]Abstract
Androgens play an important role in regulation of body fat distribution in humans. They exert direct effects on adipocyte differentiation in a depot-specific manner, via the androgen receptor (AR), leading to modulation of adipocyte size and fat compartment expansion. Androgens also impact directly on key adipocyte functions including insulin signaling, lipid metabolism, fatty acid uptake and adipokine production. Androgen excess and deficiency have implications for metabolic health in both males and females, and these metabolic effects may be mediated through adipose tissue via effects on fat distribution, adipocyte function and lipolysis. Research into the field of androgen metabolism in human and animal adipose tissue has produced inconsistent results; it is important to take into account the sex-, depot- and organism-specific effects of androgens in fat. In general, studies point towards a stimulatory effect on lipolysis, with impairment of adipocyte differentiation, insulin signaling and adipokine generation. Observed effects are frequently gender-specific. Adipose tissue is an important organ of pre-receptor androgen metabolism, through which local androgen availability is rigorously controlled. Adipose androgen exposure is tightly controlled by isoenzymes of AKR1C, 5***945;-reductase and others, but regulation of the balance between generation and irreversible inactivation remains poorly understood. In particular, AKR1C2 and AKR1C3 are crucial in the regulation of local androgen bioavailability within adipose tissue. These isoforms control the balance between activation of androstenedione (A) to testosterone (T) by the 17***946;-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (17***946;-HSD) of AKR1C3, or inactivation of 5***945;-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to 5***945;-androstane-3***945;,17***946;-diol by the 3***945;-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3***945;-HSD) activity of AKR1C2. Most studies suggest that androgen inactivation is the predominant reaction in fat, particularly in the abdominal subcutaneous (SC) depot. Modulation of local adipose androgen availability may afford future therapeutic options to improve metabolic phenotype in disorders of androgen excess and deficiency.


Vision, I think you're misunderstanding my point.

Yes, androgens play a vital role in many systems within the body, including energy storage (fat). However, your thread is about fat loss, not returning to normal values. To draw the conclusion that supraphysiological levels of androgens will simply decrease body fat in the context that applies to a site such as this instead of the eugonadal values mentioned in the studies is misleading.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but as someone that has been on both sides of obesity and the recovery from it - I absolutely promise that AAS does NOT promote additional fat loss beyond what having healthy T levels brings. I read into the AAS-fat connection years ago and thought there was some magic there; nope, just lots of hard work and learning how to eat all over again.

Don't get me wrong, AAS is an AMAZING tool, but I've not only seen the academia behind it, but also have first hand experience in losing fat while using AAS. I truly wish there were some magic in there, as it's a royal bitch otherwise. :p