fat loss


New member
what type of weight training is best for the main purpose of burning fat and building some lean muscle. what types of excersizes? how many reps and how many times per week for each body part do you guys think is best? any good sample workout plans or links would be greatly appreciated 'cause most of the stuff on here is for bulking,
If you want to burn fat, you mostly got to do it through diet and cardio, then once you lose the layer of fat on the muscles you work on defining the muscle.
Personally, I feel cardio is well over rated for fat loss. It has been shown, the bbest way to loose bodyfat is through resistance training. Your best bet, is to do workouts that burn the most calories. What i generally recomend, is a total body workout 3x per week. For this workout, you should do upper body lower body super sets, for high reps. Use short rest intervals, and finish in 45 minutes. This will ensure a high lactate out put, and a good amount of calories burnt.
invisiblewounds nothing would burn fat as much as HIIT. No form of training I know of would keep your heart rate in that fat-burning range and would keep you burning fat throughout the day like HIIT. Secondly even if you do do a three day full body routine it would not do much good if you are not in caloric deficit! More muscle-mass would burn more calories yes no doubt so a resistance training program would help!

As far as the question like was stated above it is all about lowering your BF% and this is best achieved through a carb deficit (diet) and cardio. Training should not change that much at all exept for maybe the total volume since you will have less energy probably! The heavy lifting will get your muscles developed and relatively bigger which along with low BF% should yield definition!
Jhov, firstly hit is an excellent form of cardio, but like any form of cardio, your body will adapt to it. If you do lift weights intensely enough, your heart rate will be elevated, and burn fat. However, I am not looking at HR to help burn bf, I'm looking at hormone levels. High levels of lactate have shown to have a positive effect on gh output, as well as causing fat cell shrinkage. Most indidvudals will also begin to gain mass on this program, because it is something completely different from what they have been doing, and the body goes through an adaptative response.

And the question stated above asked for a workout, not a whole diet and exercise regimine. Therfore, I am figuring dmosh has an idea of what type of diet he is planning on using. I amy be wrong, but he did not specify that in his question.

invisiblewounds I was trying to be a dick bro just trying to find out where you were coming from that is all :) NO OFFENSE WAS MEANT AND I HOPE NON WAS TAKEN!

1) HIIT= high intensity interval training is the best form of cardio around. The body will not only adapt to this but also every other kind of strenuous activity as to keep in homeostasis and revert back to a set point so to speak. This is true of resistance training AND cardio etc etc. not just cardio

2)your heart rate would be elevated enough to burn fat yes however it would revert back to a ''managable level between sets too quickly as to keep heart rate in the proven fat burning zone to be of any real effect on direct fat burning. Also you would have to deplete glycogen levels to start with fat burning and cardio does this best!

3)It has been shown yes that lactate acid has a positive effect on GH yes but that would still not give the desired effects since
- GH would not remain in the body for longer than 16-24hours!
- GH potentiation from resistance training is correlated with intensity and not with contraction, this would be again proof of HIIT being more effective. there are studies to rpoove this as well.

anyway you make good points and it now up to the original poster and there would be no need to hijack his thread with this debate! :)
take care bro
One interesting thing about HIGH INTENSITY Cardio work that improves aerobic endurance, is that your body will alter it's substrate metabolism at rest with a preference towards lipid.

In English: being "aerobically fit" encourages your body to utilize body fat as a source of fuel instead of glucose (carbs), and not just during exercise but all day and night as shown by changes in the RQ (respiratory quotient) of aerobically trained subjects.

Also extremely long bouts of endurance exercise designed to burn many thousands of calories a week are linked to protein catabolism and elevated cortisol, both of which are bad news to anyone building muscle.

So my advice would be keep the cardio sessions short (15-30 minutes or if you wanna do interval training that's good too) but make them really intense this will make you fit, burn off your fat and make you cut without losing muscle, and it's also healthy for body, heart, arteries, lungs and mind... but that's just my opinion.
"Cardio" in the classical sense sucks ass as a backbone for a fat-loss program. Aerobic instructors have the highest bodyfat percentages of anyone in the fitness industry, and good marathon runners are typically toothpicks with soft muscles. Sprinters have the lowest bodyfat percentages of any group other than contest-shape bodybuilders. Sprint interval training is the way to burn fat. Cycled moderate to heavy training of moderate to high volume is the way to build muscle. A tight diet cycling carbs and calories is the key to doing both at the same time.
Can someone explain how to do HIIT training, I get the jist of it, but not sure exactly how to do it. Thanx a lot guys
goodness! its like ill read one post and itll tell me to do things one way, then the next week ill read something else and it;ll tell me to do it another way! decisions, decisions, decisions! What ive been doing is low intensity but longer duration, basically im wasting my time, huh?