Feeling pretty warm in my cycle


New member
So I'm into my 5th week of my test 500/Deca300 Superdrol cycle. I Stopped the Superdrol last week. I usually get warm when I'm on a Deca/ test cycle but this last week I've been really warm and sweating pretty good. It's not uncomfortable but people at my work have been asking me if everything is ok. I told them I was just taking Niacin so that gave me a pretty good excuse. My question to everyone is, is their something I could be doing to make it calm down a little bit. Like I stated before I feel great but It would make my life at work a little easier if it didn't look like I just got done working out. Thanks guys
Sorry to laugh but your last sentence was funny. I always sweat on AAS. Immediately after I eat. Even if my E2 is G2G I get hot flashes. Sometimes it's a bitch but it seems to always be intermittent. I found that for me there was nothing I could do.

I come home and take my cloths off. I have No help for you sorry.

EDIT IN : example I just drank a cold juice and broke out in a light sweat :dunno:
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All good man, the other day me and the misses were having a good time and I soaked her with my sweat. Good thing she pines me otherwise she probably would've wondered what the hell was going on also. Lol. I'll just wear darker clothes at work so my sweat doesn't show up that much.
That doesn't sound like fun man. I'm glad I'm not on a cycle in the dead of summer. It gets to 100 plus easily everyday. The machines I run put out a lot of heat. I would have to were depends to work. Lol
Im always hot and sweat on or off AAS. Like Muscle Mike said after I eat I will sweat, sleep, right after shower and when training forget about it, soaked.
This post cracks me up and it's so true. Doesn't it suck when your sitting somewhere sweating like a snowman in july and everybody else around you isn't sweating at all. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if I was ok I'd be rich.
I only sweat for no reason on 750+ plus test E... And a few minutes into eating when I'm on Tren Ace lol I would sit down and have a few bites of food and start sweating like a pig. I used to fear going out to dinner dates. I remember when I went to a hibachi spot where the grill and fire is in front of you and the steaminess is all up in your face.... And I had a tank top on... Not fun. Sweating balls and my delts and traps glistening in the light. My date kept patting my shoulders with a napkin. LOL. Used to look like I was always oiled up walking around the city. And to make things worse I live in NYC... The muggiest Summers here the most humid too. To top it off I take the subway everywhere too (one of the many magics of NYC, getting anywhere in the city in under 15 minutes for 3 bucks) and I would sweat puddles in crowded trains.now that I'm lower in BF though I don't sweat as much though.
Superdrol probably didn't help much. The only time I ever had the same problem was if I was cycling high dosages.
Between the super and the DECA I would say that is the culprit. I ran warm in sleep on DECA and Tren. Best I can say is get a fan close to your bedside:) also next time do like I did and run those compounds during the cooler months.
I live in NY also so that has been a saving grace. Its still in the 20-30s during the night so I've been cracking a window next to my bed. That's been helping a lot at night. I think it would look less crazy to people if it was summer. I stopped asking people if they are warm at work, I just keep it to myself then if I see someone just have a T-shirt on I'll say hey pretty warm huh, we should open a door. Lol