Female Anavar Log


New member
I said in the women's forum that I would start a log once my Anavar arrived. I can't guarantee that it will be as detailed as people prefer, because I'm not really a big log person... but there is a definite lack of good logs about female experiences on Anavar (var), so I wanted to contribute. I do have "before" pictures and will be taking progress pictures throughout, but you will have to allow me some time to decide if I can post or share them. I contribute on other forums and have to be aware that people who are familiar with my body would probably recognize pictures.


I've been training since 2007, although I have taken breaks here and there when life has happened. I don't aspire to compete, I just like having a tight athletic look. I had some serious metabolic damage that took a few years to get back under control due to excessive dieting when I was younger. I'm also an ecto-meso body type, leaning more toward ecto. I've been very consistent for the last year, and had a great summer where I was the leanest and tightest I'd ever been. Then I took time off for surgery (breast augmentation) and decided I was going to bulk until May.

Goals and Cycle

I'm not using Anavar to help shed fat, so I think my goals are a little different than other women. I am using it primarily because I am a hard gainer and it takes a lot of eating to make gains. I'd like to keep my fat gains to a minimum and am hoping that Anavar will help with both the goal of increasing muscle mass and limiting fat gain.

For the first two weeks I am taking 5 mg daily, split between two doses.

Provided I have no sides I will up the dose to 10 mg for the last 6-10 weeks. I'd like to run it a full 12 weeks if I don't have any significant sides.

Vital Stats

I am 30 years old, 5'2" and right now I weigh 117 lbs. I have been on a bulk for the past 1.5 months. Prior to the bulk I was about 112 lbs.

Diet and Supps

I have errands to run so I will go into more detail later. Approximately 2000 cals/day, 40% protein (about 200 g), 40% carbs and 20% fat. Fish oil caps, multi-vitamin, 1 gallon of water consumed daily and creatine.


I'll include my sets and reps and weights as I update the log. I am only doing two 30 minute runs a week for cardio and I would not do any cardio except for the fact that I have a fun run coming up.

Days 1-4

Did not notice anything on days 1-3, last night (day 4) I was getting a more serious pump in the gym and had a couple veins that were popping out like crazy. I am just finishing up my rotation so I was pretty tired for the workout itself. Today is an off day though and I imagine once I'm not sore and exhausted things will really take off.

I'll keep up on this log throughout my cycle, and hopefully it will be useful to other women. I literally have to run out the door right now though so I will have to update tomorrow after my workout.
Nice log, Thank you for sharing.
Im interested in this for my gf. Shes planning a var/primo ace cycle.
Keep up the good work!
Day 6. Still 5 mg daily split between AM and PM.

Today was back and abs. Not going to count warmup sets.

Bent over dumbbell rows:
45 x 5
50 x 5 (form was suffering)
45 x 5
45 x 5
45 x 5

Crunches on an incline:
5 sets of 10 holding a 10 lb plate

Seated lateral pulldowns:
90 x 6
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

Bent over barbell rows:
80 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5
90 x 5

Did several other ab exercises. Both my pulldown and bent over rows increased from last week. No sides yet, still rocking an increased pump and feeling harder. My arms and shoulders look pumped even unflexed. Posting from my phone so sorry for errors.
so 2.5 mg twice daily right now, sounds like a nice safe start. good plan to see how you react, going to track your progress so my girl can mirror this
Day 7

Today was legs/shoulders. Still no real sides, just good pump and some hardness and a little increase in vascularity. Still on 5 mg/day. Gym was crowded so I didn't get to do as much as I wanted for legs.


125 x 5
125 x 5
125 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 5


135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5

Dumbbell Lateral Raises (weight is what dumbbell I was using so multiply x2 for total)

12.5 x 5
15 x 5
15 x 5
15 x 5
15 x 5

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (weight is of one dumbbell so x2 for total)

27.5 x 5
30 x 5
30 x 5
30 x 5
30 x 5

Behind the neck Barbell Shoulder Press

40 x 5
50 x 5
50 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 3 (form was suffering)

My squat actually decreased from last week (pre-var), but I was going deeper. RDLs were about the same, I'm going to need straps because I was having a hard time keeping a grip on the bar. Shoulders all increased... last week I was only hitting 27.5s for dumbbell press, 45 for behind the shoulder press and only doing 15s for one set for lateral raises.

Officially one week in, feeling good. I feel very very solid. I'll have some pictures taken on Weds or Thurs to use as my "befores." Starting next week I'll be increasing to 10 mg/day for the remainder of the cycle, provided I continue to have no/limited sides. The only thing I've noticed outside of good pumps, hardness and vascularity is slightly oilier skin... but I normally have DRY skin so this may be a good thing. Can't wait for this to really kick in so I can go full beast mode! :)
Day 8

Off day today because of obligations at work and school. Also forgot to mention in my original post that I don't directly target chest anymore because I have implants.

Only thing I'm doing today is a 30 min jog.
great log, I will be following along to see the progress as my gf is looking into this same type of cycle.

When I started bulking in Dec I was dirty bulking on 2000-2200 calories a day. I initially wanted to stay on about 2000 cals/day while taking Anavar (var), but decided to drop to around 1800. I'll bump it back up to 2000 if I feel like it's hurting my gains.

Meal 1:
3 eggs w/ salsa
2 cups milk
1 scoop ON whey

2 cups milk
1 scoop ON whey

Meal 2:
4 oz chicken breast
2 cups green beans

Meal 3:
4 oz chicken breast
2 cups green beans
1 chobani greek yogurt

Meal 4:
4 oz chicken breast
2 cups green beans

Meal 5:
1 chobani greek yogurt


1771 calories
53% protein
32% carbs
15% fat
Day 9

Still just feeling hard with increase pumps. Some increase in stamina. Broke a couple PRs and in general everything felt much easier. I'm not logging religiously, so on some of these sets I list 5 reps but I do 6 and sometimes 7. Today was biceps/triceps.

Standing Barbell Curl

50 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 2, 50 x 3
50 x 5
50 x 5

Overhead DB Triceps Press

30 x 5
32.5 x 5
32.5 x 5
32.5 x 5
32.5 x 5

(need to find a better triceps exercise, I really hate these)

Cable station curls using the rope attachment

70 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5
80 x 5

One-armed Tricep Cable Pushdown using the Handle

30 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5
40 x 5

Standing Dumbbell Curls (weight is representative of single dumbbell weight)

25 x 5
27.5 x 5
27.5 x 5
25 x 5
25 x 5

Cable Station Triceps Pushdown Using the Straight Bar

90 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5

I'm drinking 1 gallon of water a day and it has kept bloating away. I was bloating a little bit from water retention from creatine (I had been on creatine for a month before var), but the water helped. Can't wait to get through this week and then up the dose. :) Pictures will be coming on Thursday evening.
You could do some dips, or some EZ-bar lying skull crushers instead of those overhead triceps :)

Thanks I'll go with the skull crushers. I love dips but ever since breast augmentation they pull my chest too badly. I am cleared to do chest but I don't want my implants to migrate if I can help it.

Day 10 and 11

Yesterday was back:

Hyperextensions (holding a plate)
10 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10

Seated Cable Rows
90 x 7
105 x 6
120 x 6
120 x 6
105 x 7

Close Grip Lat Pulldowns
90 x 7
105 x 6
105 x 6
105 x 6
90 x 8

Bent-over Dumbbell Lateral Raise (weight is of single dumbbell)
12.5 x 8
15 x 6
15 x 6
17.5 x 6
15 x 6

Today I have legs in the afternoon, I won't log specifics. On Monday I'll be bumping up the dose. Still feeling good, although I got food poisoning from some deli salsa so my stomach hurts like hell today. My biggest struggle right now is diet, mainly because I am so busy that it's been hard to prepare food, but I know I'm getting enough calories and protein which is the most important part for me. After I get done with classes and the gym I'll be picking up a roast chicken to tear up since I'm just not finding the time to cook it myself.

My only real sides have been bloating, but the bloating was present before I started var; I don't handle creatine well and always bloat on it. I've been pounding the water to try and help but it seems like its hit or miss. Some days my stomach looks flat, others I'm puffed up like a balloon.
Day 12

Not logging my workout because I don't work out until later in the day so I'll just forget. I'd rather just document now.

Still going strong, upping the dose in two days. Small break out up by my hairline but it's very small and will probably go away within a day.
Day 13

Off day today. Picked up some pads to wipe my face every couple hours to help prevent breakouts. I think it helps that I normally have dry skin, because the slight breakout around my hairline has already gone away after a day.

Upped the dose a day early to 10 mg daily, split between AM and PM. This is what I'll run for the next 6 weeks and then I will use 3-4 days to taper off. Originally I was going to run longer but after two weeks I've already made some good gains so I just can't imagine running more than 6 more weeks.

I have a slight headache and feel a little stuffed up since upping the dose but that will probably go away within a day. I also stopped creatine because the bloating was too much, while it's a great compliment to the Anavar (var) I don't think I need it.
Day 14

Back and abs. I'm not going to log my ab workout but it was all weighted.

Dumbbell Rows
50 x 7
50 x 6
55 x 5
55 x 6
55 x 6 (using 55lb dumbbells is a PR for me)

Bent over Barbell Row

95 x 5
95 x 6
95 x 6
95 x 6
95 x 5

Bent over Dumbbell Lateral Raises

12.5 x 7
15 x 6
17.5 x 5
17.5 x 5
15 x 6 (form was suffering too much on 17.5s)

Wide-Grip Lateral Pulldowns

90 x 7
105 x 6
105 x 6
105 x 6
105 x 6 (was struggling with 105 last week)

Lifts are up. I look more athletic. Not super cut but I've still been on about 2000-2200 calories a day because I'm enjoying the gains. Also still not doing cardio. I want to see how the next month goes and then I may add cardio and cut calories the last two weeks to try and take advantage of the tail end of my cycle as I start cutting.

Really enjoying the var. Sides are still mild to none.
As far as sides go what are you having cause this is the type of cycle my wife is looking at but I'm not sure if she should get into it cause she was crazy on test p.