Female experiencing terrible roid rage! Pleas help!


New member
Hi ladies!

Ok, I always believed that roid rage was all hype. I've cycled on and off fr 5 years, mostly Anavar. My last cycle I stacked var with primo and ever since, I feel like my personality has changed dramatically. I get very testy with my husband for NO REASON! I'm crazy emotional and get so hot headed over nothing! It's caused a lot of arguments and my husband thinks I should go see a therapist so he/she can put me on some Wellbutrin or something. Any females have experience with this? I'm really anti therapy but if its my only option, my marriage is definitely a priority. Also, anyone have experience with anti depressants? Thanks!
Female experiencing terrible roid rage! Please help!

Hi ladies!

Ok, I always believed that roid rage was all hype. I've cycled on and off fr 5 years, mostly Anavar. My last cycle I stacked var with primo and ever since, I feel like my personality has changed dramatically. I get very testy with my husband for NO REASON! I'm crazy emotional and get so hot headed over nothing! It's caused a lot of arguments and my husband thinks I should go see a therapist so he/she can put me on some Wellbutrin or something. Any females have experience with this? I'm really anti therapy but if its my only option, my marriage is definitely a priority. Also, anyone have experience with anti depressants? Thanks!
Hi ladies!

Ok, I always believed that roid rage was all hype. I've cycled on and off fr 5 years, mostly Anavar. My last cycle I stacked var with primo and ever since, I feel like my personality has changed dramatically. I get very testy with my husband for NO REASON! I'm crazy emotional and get so hot headed over nothing! It's caused a lot of arguments and my husband thinks I should go see a therapist so he/she can put me on some Wellbutrin or something. Any females have experience with this? I'm really anti therapy but if its my only option, my marriage is definitely a priority. Also, anyone have experience with anti depressants? Thanks!

Where are you in your cycle? Have you completed it? I'm curious because I am currently running var/clen/hgh, but was going to stack var and primo next. Are you confident that your primo is legitimate primo?
I'm not on a cycle now, been off for 6 months. Yes I'm 100% positive the primo is real. I got amazing results, but I believe my personality has been effected due to the drugs.
Have you read the post-cycle therapy sticky that was started by Supergirl? It has some really good information in it that may be helpful to you. Because I am planning on running the same cycle that you did, I am interested to know if you did the PCT?
I wasn't expecting you to say that your cycle had ended 6 months ago...wow. I'm wondering if your hormone levels are unstable and if that is causing your problems. Supergirl talks pretty extensively about some of these issues in her sticky. Have you had blood work done, and if so, what does it look like?
That's a good idea, ill definitely check that out! But in sure your right, my hormone levels must be way out of wack! I haven't had my blood work done, where would I go for something like that? Family doc? Thanks for your help :) good luck with your cycle, let me know how you like it! Worked wonders for me!!
That's a good idea, ill definitely check that out! But in sure your right, my hormone levels must be way out of wack! I haven't had my blood work done, where would I go for something like that? Family doc? Thanks for your help :) good luck with your cycle, let me know how you like it! Worked wonders for me!!

I'm from the male section but saw this and thought I could help. You really don't want your PCP to know about any off-script drug use bc he/she legally has to make note of it in your file and it will follow you around for the rest of your life. An option for bloodwork that the guys always go through for their cycles is privatemdlabs. Go on there, select the hormone panel for females (testosterone, estradiol, CBC, metabolic profile etc) or any of the other female hormone tests that you think may be affected. You pay for it online (you can also find many online discount coupons) and the blood work is drawn at a labcorp location, Just pick the labcorp location closest to you (they'll have a list on the privatemdlabs site when you go to checkout). After checkout, you'll get an email with a blood work requisition, print it out and go to the labcorp location you chose, no appointment needed. You'll get the results emailed to you within 2-3 days usually. Hope that helps and good luck :)
I've had blood work done at the private labs too, and you get it back within a day or two usually. I would definitely check that before adding something else like an antidepressant or mood stabilizer.
I can vouch for wellbutrin since I've tried it. Could make things worse though. Wellbutrin is an NDRI not usual SSRI.
Wellbutrin is more stimulating than the SSRI drugs, makes many people edgy, nervous,
might not be a mix with current emotions you are going through.
thanks for the advice...yes I didn't think about telling my doc what drugs I've done, definitely don't want that. I like that its convienent and private for sure, thanks! If not Wellbutrin, would you have any other suggestions?
thanks for the advice...yes I didn't think about telling my doc what drugs I've done, definitely don't want that. I like that its convienent and private for sure, thanks! If not Wellbutrin, would you have any other suggestions?

I would look into the hormonal aspect first before having to resort to drugs. But I have a cousin who happens to be a pharmacist and licensed to prescribe, if you give me a list of your symptoms I could run it by him to see what alternatives you have to Wellbutrin.
Well I'm experiencing severe anger, frustration, and irritability with little things that really don't matter. I almost feel emotionally unstable or bipolar if you will at times. Not sure if its a depression thing, I have terrible anxiety but I don't feel sad, just pissed for no reason! and I have some nervous habits I can't seem to break such as chewing nails and ripping skin around my fingers. I just went to my doc who put me on buspar? Never heard of it but its an anti anxiety med as well.
I was on Buspar a long time ago...not a bad one. I don't remember any bad sides with it. I hope you get to feeling better soon, and keep us posted on whether it helps or not :)