this is directly taken from another's post on cycle advice for women:
Equipose is the popularly referenced brand name for the veterinary injectable steroid boldenone undecylenate. Specifically it is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester greatly extends the activity of the drug while exhibiting a pronounced effect on lean bodyweight, appetite and general disposition of the animal. This compound is also said to shows a marked ability for increasing red blood cell production
The tendency to develop a noticeable amount of water retention with this drug would therefore be slightly higher than that with Deca but much less than what would be expected with a stronger agent such as Testosterone.
Dosage: The usual dosage for this compound is 50-75mg/week
Sides: Voice cracking/dropping, hair loss, hair growth, acne
Additional info: See "Notes from Grace" below.
Notes From Grace:
Eq is nice for women since it does not "convert" to estrogen so it's a good bulker in the offseason or good to use at the start of a prep cycle without worrying about excess water retention.
Some people experience an increase in hunger on EQ, so it might fit well with a bulker phase. EQ also promotes connective tissue repair, which can be useful in protecting the joints and ligaments while a cycle is increasing your strength (i.e. the joints become the weak link).