Feverish after dropping test prop


New member
Hello ,

m feverish after he first dose of test Prop 100 mg ...
can i take meds in this case??
is it temporary as i m new to test Prop and pinning it for the first time...
Please help!!!!
probably don't need meds ...

the fever may be "test flu" fever like symptoms from change in hormone levels from the test

keeping levels as stable as possible it will go away, when did you take the 1st IM ?

how often are you pinning the prop? ed , eod ?

what lab, stats? cycle?
probably don't need meds ...

the fever may be "test flu" fever like symptoms from change in hormone levels from the test

keeping levels as stable as possible it will go away, when did you take the 1st IM ?

how often are you pinning the prop? ed , eod ?

what lab, stats? cycle?

thanks for replying!
m dropping it EOD
Cycle is as follows :
Test Prop 100 mg EOD 1-10 weeks
Tren Ace 100 mg EOD weeks 5-10
Clen .4*2 ED (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) weeks 5-10

Both Test Prop n Tren ace is of thaiger company
m 28 years
168 lbs

I just consulted the doctor and took paracetamol n some constipation meds .I told him the stats and what i m going through.
He said if fever stays more than 24 hrs we need to go for a Blood test...
please give me suggestions what is it all about....m little scared!
if you really want to take 50mg ED for about 5 days and i bet flu will be gone

i already bought the vial of 100 mg ....n now fever is gone but cold is on my nervous....nose is leaking up...lolss!!!
i took paracetamol after consulting doctor....and few Vit B complex tabs....should i not touch the meds agn even m sceptical in tking medications....suggestions please!!!
prop cripples me and gives me that fever you talk about... I don't run it that often and when I do I splt injections with something else. any time I run prop its the same thing swollen injection site, fever. it subsides
so, just cause your vial is 100mg doesnt mean you cant take 50mg ????!

you just take 1/2 cc (50mg) instead of full cc (100mg) ???

you understand dosing?

as far as the medicine you cant take it along with the test i wouldnt worry too much

i already bought the vial of 100 mg ....n now fever is gone but cold is on my nervous....nose is leaking up...lolss!!!
i took paracetamol after consulting doctor....and few Vit B complex tabs....should i not touch the meds agn even m sceptical in tking medications....suggestions please!!!
so, just cause your vial is 100mg doesnt mean you cant take 50mg ????!

you just take 1/2 cc (50mg) instead of full cc (100mg) ???

you understand dosing?

as far as the medicine you cant take it along with the test i wouldnt worry too much

Ok sir ....will take 1/2 dose i.e. 50 mg
But as i told you i took few paracetamol to cure fever n now its gone...m feeling better...
will meds i took harm me anyways???
and can you also tell me where can i buy cabergoline on cheap price....???