few questions about post-workout nutrition


New member
hi all, up until now ive been having solid workouts and straight after having my ON whey gold standard protein drink ( double scoops totalling 48g pure protein).

From a little bit of research ive gathered that;
  • once you have a workout your body is depleted of enerygy and your muscle fibres are torn.
  • so your body starts to feed on protein if carbs arent injested quick enough
  • in order to overcome this problem of your body feeding on its own muscle mass, you need to injest quick carbs that have a high Glycemic index thus providing your body with the right amount of carbs to recover energy leaving whatever protein you take in the form of food or shakes to add to the rebuild of muscle mass

so i came home from training my back n bi's and had 4 slices of hovis' best of both bread, a cup full of coco pops and a table spoon of white sugar. Is this a sufficient number of "quick carbs" if so, when is the best time to have the post-workout protein shake? same time as carbs or a little bit after.

Your post workout recovery drink should be done immediately, I mix protein powder and creatine with dextrose and put it in a sandwich biggie and bring to gym, I always have my shaker on hand and just add water at the gym on my way out and drop my powder in at the car and drink on ride home, within 30-45 minutes you have your post workout meal which should be a big meal, the fast acting carbs are needed at recovery drink time they cause an insulin spike which transports the protein and creatine quickly, your pwo meal should be a clean good large meal