Filtering Apparatus For Those With An Unlimited Budget


New member
You'll need:
  1. Metal Coat Hanger
  2. Pliers
  3. Pliers
  4. Tape
  5. #64 Rubber Bands

  1. Cut off the lower portion of the coat hanger so that you have one long straight piece
  2. Bend completely in half with pliers, tape open end
  3. Bend in half again, but only enough to fit the bottom of a 60ml syringe
  4. Bend up both sides roughly 0.75in from #3 - it should now look like a mix between a V and a U, and should fit a 60ml syringe
  5. Bend down both sides roughly 1.0in from #4 - it should now look like an upside down W
  6. Pull center apart just enough to fit the end of the syringe

  1. Seems to work best with 10cc air pocket
  2. 16 rubber bands is more than enough.
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A+ for creativity.

Damn, the syringe filters that I had need a lot more pressure than those rubber bands provided. What's up with that? .20 micron just too much of a bitch?
I use .2's with the caulk gun method. Just leave enough air in the back (around a 1/3 of the syringe). Put it in a vice pointing downward, and attach the vial to the gun somehow. I used rubber bands. Give her a pump or two and come back in a bit. Takes a long time with .2's, but you do not have to apply the pressure. I've used .45's and they are at LEAST twice as fast, but you do not get the same level of sterility. With the fact that you don't have to do labor to use them, I don't know why anyone would use .45's anymore. As mranak already knows though....a bottle top/stericup setup is much better than syringe filters. Especially the ones that have a draw line and you do not have to open them to the air to fill your vials.

mranak said:
A+ for creativity.

Damn, the syringe filters that I had need a lot more pressure than those rubber bands provided. What's up with that? .20 micron just too much of a bitch?

50ml took anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes with a .2, but it was prefiltered. Test enan, Deca, and EQ all filtered smoothly - 100-150ml per filter. Tren enan crashed half way though filtering, so it took longer and used more filters. I'm thinking I either received tren ace, or tren enan is much less soluble than the other long esters. It was a yellow powder while the others were liquid at room temp. After being put into the freezer; the test and deca were solid, and the EQ was liquid. Everything was 400mg/ml, 2% ba, 20% bb, 50/50 EO/cottonseed.

The rubber bands provide more than enough pressure. If many more than 16 are used or if the liquid is too hot, you'll wind up blowing out the air and possibly some of the liquid. Once the plunger is half way down, you can fold the bands in half and use just 4 of them...
That was awesome! Well done. I am willing to believe you can make some sort of kit out of that, throw a patent on that and sell that to some research companies. Call it the PBFT "Poor Bro's Filtering Thingy"...

Seriously though, that is was a pretty good idea.