Winter bulker, need some advice with deca


New member
First of all I'll post my stats: 6', 220 lbs, been training steadily for 4 years, and have done 4 cycles. Experience with test, sus, tren e/a, turinabol, dbol, and Winstrol (winny). Planning on using this cycle to bulk to 240 or near and then cut this spring with a test/tren cycle. I'll post what I have planned and then I'll ask my question.

Anadrol 75mg ED week 1-4
Test-400 600mg week 1-14
Deca 450mg EW week 1-12

Should I start the abombs at 50 mg ED? And up them if need be?
Is there any difference between test 400 and enth/cyp? Have only used enth/cyp. T-400 seems like a nicer bang for the buck.
Have heard to keep test 1.5-2x more then deca but dosed it that way because of the 10 ml vials to mg content. Is 150 mg more of test enough? (Never had an issues with libido but deca could change that)
I don't really care about water bloat/acne, but would like to minimize them. Right now I have nolva and prami on hand, should I grab either femara/aromasin/proviron, have not used any of them before. Not prone to gyno, and I have used 600 mg of test a week before but would having something on hand besides the prami for prolactin be smart (estro)? (I also understand water ret has alot to do with diet, h2o intake and cardio)
I have done both the typical nolva (40, 40, 20, 20) and clomid (50, 50, 50, 50) pct's but should I combine them for this cycle, is there any benefit?
And I understand deca takes alittle more time to get out of my system, starting pct 14 days after my last test shot will be okay?

Thank you very much for taking your time, would appreciate answers!

EDIT: Forgot a couple questions.

If I was to compete, I'd have to wait the full 18 months I presume? That's the detection time of deca if I'm not mistaken?
And also, if you're familiar, I'm debating between Andromed labs and Newport pharmaceuticals. Any experiences?
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Yeah I would start lower on the adrol and increase if you do OK with it. Test 400 is just more mg's per ml. Test is test. I think that that's a bit much to try to pack in to one ml and it is much more likely to crash. Your test/deca ratio will probably be fine. Definitely get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). You want to control estrogen to minimize prolactin increase. And use the prami if needed. Combination of nolva/clomid is good for post cycle therapy (pct). With deca, end the deca at least a week before you end the test. PCT starts 3wks after your last deca shot.
Yeah I would start lower on the adrol and increase if you do OK with it. Test 400 is just more mg's per ml. Test is test. I think that that's a bit much to try to pack in to one ml and it is much more likely to crash. Your test/deca ratio will probably be fine. Definitely get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). You want to control estrogen to minimize prolactin increase. And use the prami if needed. Combination of nolva/clomid is good for post cycle therapy (pct). With deca, end the deca at least a week before you end the test. PCT starts 3wks after your last deca shot.

I have heard the higher mg/ml content may crash, if I nuke it will it be fine? Also aware of the injection pain if it crashes after injection, have had it happen a couple times. Is there an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you prefer? I've heard aromasin is prefered. Proviron seems like it might do the trick though. I planned to end the deca before the test 2 weeks prior just to be certain for post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks alot for the advice!
I have heard the higher mg/ml content may crash, if I nuke it will it be fine? Also aware of the injection pain if it crashes after injection, have had it happen a couple times. Is there an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you prefer? I've heard aromasin is prefered. Proviron seems like it might do the trick though. I planned to end the deca before the test 2 weeks prior just to be certain for post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks alot for the advice!

I prefer adex, but many like aromasin better. It's just preference. They both work well. Provirion is great but I would still have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.