Filtration Pressures for glass media bottles


New member
I have glass media bottles in several sizes up to 2 liters and I have been using the millipore and nalgene disposable filters with the .22 pore size. I as you all know these filter/bottle combinations are pretty slow and I am looking to increase the flow of the oil through the filter so I purchased these glass bottles that are threaded the same as the tops. My question is how much pressure can I pump these bottles up to without running the risk of damaging the plastic bottle top? Also has anyone had these glass bottles crack from overpressuring?
Zach... put a few pumps on it and give it a moment. It should start flowing. Once it starts to slow. put a few more pumps on it. Pretty simple.
I use zap caps or millipore if their out of stock. I set my had pump between 15 and 17 and has worked fine for many years.
I second 15-18 psi. The filter itself will be the point of failure if that occurs, not the glass media bottle.
Trying heating the oil before filtering, it will significantly increase flow rate. Just be careful it's not to hot, or you could blow out the filter.