Hey mate, it looks like you have all the equipments needed. If your budget is tight, I think you can do without some of them.
Based on my experience, I have been able to brew without some of these items (highlighted in red):
-Sterile sealed vials (50ml jugs and smaller 10ml vials)
-sterile syringes (3cc, 20cc, and 50cc)
-sterile needles (18-23g 1/2in-1in)
-coffee filters (for pre-filtering)
-Whattman Zapcap or Nalgene Bottle Top Filter
-hand vacuum pump with pressure gauge
-nylon or rubber tubing for vacuum pump
* I use syringe filters instead of Bottle Top filters. It's a less expensive alternative.
Syringe filter is tough to use, so some people came up with the idea of using a caulking gun with a large syringe, that looks something like this:
-glass media jar (250ml or 500ml)
-funnel - Optional.
--glass beakers (250ml and 500ml)
-Graduated cylinders (10ml, 50ml, and 100ml)
-glass stirring rod
-hot plate
-liquid dropper
* Instead of using a stirring rod, I just swirl my vial. Instead of a hot plate, I use boiling water or sometimes a microwave oven. The liquid dropper can be substituted with a syringe. As for the digital scale, I use a spoon to measure and estimate the volume of 1g of a compound. Of course, this method is not as accurate as using a digital scale, but it's good enough when a digital scale is expensive.
-gloves and mask
-thermometer - Optional, unless you're doing the melting test. For brewing purposes, it's not needed in my experience.
-spray bottle
-Isopropyl Alcohol
-Benzyl Benzonate
-Benzyl Alcohol
-Grapeseed Oil
-Ethyl Oleate - from my understanding, this solvent is used for (1) compounds that crash easily, or (2) brewing compounds at a high dosage.
I have seen brew that did not need Ethyl Oleate, such as Tren A/E @100, Test P/E @100/200, Nandrolone (Deca) @200, Boldenone (EQ) @600, Drostanolone P (Mast P) @100, Stanozolol (Winstrol) @50.
One thing I think you might want to look into is that Ethyl Oleate (EO) can cause allergic reaction for people. I have also read cases where people said the EO melted the rubber stopper or rubber plunger of their syringe.
I'm trying to figure out; whats that blue thing on that caulking gun?