Fina BA/BB %'s...


New member
made a bunch of fina tonight...I used a BA of 2% and BB of 6.5%...I felt this was adaquate enough...went into solution great, and I figure these %'s are ok...any other opinions and why?

I ususally use these %'s with my other powders, so any diff with fina (acetate)

Thanks in advance for the help guys!

i like 2/20. the added bb makes no diff in pain but ensures it will hold at lower temps. in fact the added bb helps with depots.
DougoeFre5h said:
This post should be a sticky

Hey Douge, you still like 2.5/7.5 for short ester gear like on your nerdy spreadsheet? Or are you going with 2/20 now?

I am getting some TrenE in a week or so and I was wondering.... will the 2/20 ratio be good for that like TA or does it matter cause of the enanthate ester?
i used 2/20 on tren E too. it dont hold a well as test E. not even close. mine was 300mg/ml. did nicely.
BA 3%
BB 20%

Works like a charm for Tren A, Tren E and Parabolan. Use grapeseed oil. You will be able to draw out with a 23g pin real fast with no issues.

Good Luck
tne? I wouldnt go so far to say 2/20 will work for a no ester test....guess we will find out. I totally botched an anavar conversion today. tried to see if it would hold in 151 @ 75mg/ml. No way, so I halved the concentration by adding an equal volume of least now it suspends well at 37.5mg/ml but I heated the shit out of it, couldnt get it into solution.
DougoeFre5h said:
tne? I wouldnt go so far to say 2/20 will work for a no ester test....guess we will find out. I totally botched an anavar conversion today. tried to see if it would hold in 151 @ 75mg/ml. No way, so I halved the concentration by adding an equal volume of least now it suspends well at 37.5mg/ml but I heated the shit out of it, couldnt get it into solution.

I'm ordering some Var next week, but I broke down and bought a cap machine so I am going to see how that side of the world works. I'll prolly get tired after the first 250 caps of whatever and go back to liquids!