fina filtering problems


New member
My fina is almost done converting. I have the funnel with the coffee filter, but there is a lot of liquid in the coffee filter thats been sitting there for 2 days not going through. Should I get another coffee filter and transfer the liquid from the old on into a fresh filter or just squeeze the filter and push the liquid through. also on my last kit i used the watman filter and it clogged up and nothing would push through it, does anyone have any tips on not getting the watman filter clogged and is it really neccessary to use it? thank alot guys.
First off, its absolutely necessary to filter you gear.

You can give the coffee filter a little squeeze but for the most part, thats just gunk, and gets thrown out. Be sure your liquid is heated a bit when you filter it to make it easier.
ok i boiled the mix, and it filterd thru the coffee filter and the whatman filter very smooth. my final product is beautiful. thanks doug. i just wanted to know if theres a way i can sterilize the final product, i heard of baking it, what termperature and for how long does anyone know?
my final fina product has a few black specs floatings around in it, plus when i went to remove the coffee filter my fingers touched the liquid. can i bake the bottle with the fina fina in it, and will baking it kill its potency? please helo thanks.
if your filter clogs you need another filter depending on how much you filter it could be like 2 or 3 filters. Also after you filter it into your sterile vial put a venting pin in the top and bake it in the oven at 250 degrees for about 30minutes.
Decant your fina oil before you dump the whole mix into filter! All this means is to suck up all the oil that lays on top of your pellet BB/BA and oil mix and filter it first.When this is done, then dump all the rest of your mix in the filter(this contains all the methyl cellullose) Anything in the filter is methyl cellullose. I get a 92-97% conversion rate with this method.(I test all my finished product by introducing a reagent into it to check purity.I also send to Colubia University in Manhattan NY to verify % My test always comes within 1.6% of Colubia's.I chalk up the differance to my scale.)