

New member
What do you guys think of fina in a first cycle? I was plannig on doing something like this:
Weeks 1 - 10 Test Enan 400mg
Weeks 6 - 12 Fina 37.5mg ED
I want to keep the cost of the cycle low, and I figured I can do it by making my own fina. If you don't think I should do this, I will do this one instead:
Weeks 1 - 10 Test Enan 400mg
Weeks 1- 4 Dbol 25mg ED

Clomid Therapy
300mg Day1
100mg 10 Days
50mg 10 Days

Novladex on hand in case of gyno

I know that the ED injections can get tough, but I am ready to do it. Is there any other reasons that I sould not do the fina???
Its totally up to you. Fina is not needed for a first cycle because you could still get great results using safer drugs. I say do cycle #2 and you will get great results, others will say go for fina because its simply awsome stuff. If it was me, I would save it for later cycles when I could benefit from it more.
Either choice is great. Its hard to say which one I would do if I was in your situation but I'm leaning a little towards the one with Fina. Just my personal opinion though.
Hey bro I tried fina on my first cycle and I could not hang with the everyday injections. I feel that you should wait and get comfortable with the whole injection process first. After while I got tired of injecting and so I would skip days. I am comfortable now with the whole injection thing. Cycle two looks the best. Proper diet and training and you will grow like a weed.
It just depends on you bro...if you are not worried about ED injects then do it but if not then do dbol there is always a second cycle lol YEAH!!!! GOod luck
on my first cycle injecting 2 times a week wasnt enough, i needed it ed. so i added fina in at 75mg ed. it worked awsome i went up 40 lbs and kept 25 of them.
Using fina with a 28g insulin needle shoundnt give u a problem. But fina is a strong drug. Like what golden muscle said even looking at test enath should bloat you up. 1st cycle is always the best. Anything will work. Save fina for your 3rd cycle when gains will be harder.
For first cycle i would suggest 400mg of Deca with 25mg of dbol for 8 weeks. Be sure you get bromo for post cycle to help you recover from Deca
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Maybe I might just stick to 400mg Enan for 10 weeks. I am sure once I do one cycle, there will be many more to come!
Bro, honestly you should go with the test/d-bol for your first cycle. This is a very basic cycle which will yield very good results for you. since it is your first cycle, keep it simple, your body should respond very well if you also eat, rest and train properly. Also you do not need to do extreme dosages for your first cycle. I would go with Test@400-500mgs./week, D-bol 25-30mgs./ED for the first 5 weeks.
Everybody reacts a little different to fina. As a newbie you could start with 50 mg EOD for 2 weeks and see how you tolerate it. Even an experienced user should not do more than 75mg ED or 150mg eod.

zillamonster said:
Everybody reacts a little different to fina. As a newbie you could start with 50 mg EOD for 2 weeks and see how you tolerate it. Even an experienced user should not do more than 75mg ED or 150mg eod.


this is true, i did 75mg ed for my first cycle and had no sides at all except massage strength gains.