FINAL CYCLE REVIEW - test E, EQ & proviron with dbol kicker


Beast m0de never sleeps
Ok so I recently finished a Test E 500mg/wk EQ 660mg/wk & proviron 25mg/day for the first 72 days then 50mg/day for the last 14days right before post cycle therapy (pct) nothing in between, kick started it with dbol @ 40mg/day for 26 days, the cycle lasted 18 1/2 wks (37 injections) and am currently 1wk into post cycle therapy (pct), which is clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 and DAA 3g 3x/day.

First let me write a bit about the cycle, strength gains were obvious within the first week of dbol but I couldn't use my strength because I had terrible back pumps & shoulder joint pain whenever I workout, probably not going to run dbol again because of this, proviron gave me a rediculous pump, I mean beyond what I had expected, with only 25mg/day was a pretty good pump, but when I did 50mg/day prior to post cycle therapy (pct) that's when I noticed the CRAZY pump, honestly love it for that, gave me hardness among other things too.

took about 4 wks for me to start seeing test E's effect (as usual) then after week 6-7 I started gaining very noticable amounts of strength and got stronger & stronger as the cycle continued, size wise, EQ isn't all that great, i mean I did gain some dry size but not what I expected at a 4400+ cals/day diet, I was eating so much I started gaining fat lol even if my diet is very clean.

One thing I enjoyed the most is NO visible sides (except with dbol), I mean I got the few odd zits here and there on my back & the usual testicle shrinking, no visible side effects whatsoever.

my thoughts, probably not going to run EQ again anytime soon, for the price its just not worth it.

recovery -

as I mentionned I am one week into post cycle therapy (pct), so far my testicles seems to have gotten a bit bigger, was kind of down (depressed) at first during the mid week prior to post cycle therapy (pct) until mid week post cycle therapy (pct), lost a bit of size, but mostly fat, I was to lose the abs but they are getting back now lol. hopefully I recover as much as possible.

Questions feel free to ask.

prior to cycle
6'2 22yo 205lbs
7-8% bf (yes very low)

peak during cycle
6'2 23yo 228lbs
12-13% bf

stats now,
6'2 23 yo 216lbs
9-10 % bf

hopefully I don't go below 215lbs, def. gonna use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next cycle/post cycle therapy (pct)
planning on running deca & t400 next fall, but we'll see.
Sounds like decent results for that amount of gear. Congrats. With that long of a cycle im sure your nuts shrank a good bit. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) probably couldn't hurt for this kind of cycle as you mentioned.

One week into pct and you lost that much weight? It looks like a lot of it was body fat, but damn! Hopefully you keep most the muscle gains. Good luck on your future run.
Sounds like decent results for that amount of gear. Congrats. With that long of a cycle im sure your nuts shrank a good bit. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) probably couldn't hurt for this kind of cycle as you mentioned.

One week into pct and you lost that much weight? It looks like a lot of it was body fat, but damn! Hopefully you keep most the muscle gains. Good luck on your future run.
Thanks for your input dude! I did lost a lot of weight, big reason is because I started working again (I work seasonal) so I spend a lot more energy moving all day, I did lose some solid mass but not much, as I look at myself in the mirror to this day I still kept a good amount of mass, DEF. gonna take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next cycle. I can get it fairly cheap for 5000iu but only thing is I gotta buy a minimum of 5 kits... so it gets expensive lol but worth the price.