finally back


I've been out of the loop for a while.
Seems like a lot of new faces around here and I'd like to get back in to the community.

Some of you might remember, about 9 months ago I left out for Iraq. Well.. I finally had my fill of the Army. I'm out now, got a new wife and a son. He's every bit the beast I am, and I dare say eats more than me.

Anyway, just wanted to pop by and say hi, see how my boys are doing.
Welcome back, how's it feel to be in Civy's full time?

Feelsgoodman. :)

I'm not a full time civvie, though. I got on this pretty sweet contracting gig. Making the big money now. Only bad part is they piss test for... "supplements".

Had 2 guys in the class after me that popped hot and they were on over-the-counter shit.

And P, good to see you man. Hows things?