Finally Made my Cyp and Deca!


New member
I made cyp and deca from 10g's powder of each... I made deca how someone posted how they made deac at 300mg/mL I used 2%BA and 6%BB ... i know deca is soluable in oil and doesn't need the BA or BB but I only found one post that made their deca at 300mg/mL....

Also my Cyp I dont know if I screwed it up or not...I made it 5%BA with no BB ....that was before I JUST read that alot recommend Cyp to be at 2:20 ratio....I am going to make my second batch this afternoon at this this 5% only BA going to work? or do I need to do some repairs?
It probably work...might not. Depends on the batch. Still, 2/20 is the way to go. Make ur second batch with that ratio, you'll be pleased.
DOUG you are right didnt there any way I can salvage the first batch... why was there a sticky that gave instructions on 5% Ba with cyp and no BB? Anyhow If anyone knows a way to fix my first batch of cyp I will be indebted to them forever...Thanks
if anyone can help PM me as I am heating it right now over and over to see if it will hold, but I think its crashed for sure no doubt about it><><>< :shoot2: :toilet:
Easy, add bb (if you got it) or add another few % ba till it hold.

btw, nothing wrong with it crashing, its just a hastle heating each time b4 injecting.
yeah I got plenty BA and BB ... how can I measure it out so i know what concentration each mL will be? Right now its 40mL at 250mg/mL... I made it at 5% BA which was 1mL and rest was just oil and powder.. think that overall oil was 30.5 I believe.
Concentration (mg/ml) 250
Weight (mg) 10000
Specific Volume 0.8
Desired BA% 5
Desired BB% 0

Oil Volume 30.00
BB Volume 0.00
BA Volume 2.00
Powder Volume 8.00

Total Volume 40.0

NOW adding 10% BB...

Concentration (mg/ml) 224
Weight (mg) 10000
Specific Volume 0.8
Desired BA% 5
Desired BB% 10

Oil Volume 29.95
BB Volume 4.46
BA Volume 2.23
Powder Volume 8.00

Total Volume 44.6
DUDE you are my new hero really.... you did catch a mistake I did misprint 5% BA is 2mL I wrote 1mL....thanks I will have to heat it every time I shoot to make sure its all in the solution the when I shoot it?
SwoleFish said:
DUDE you are my new hero really.... you did catch a mistake I did misprint 5% BA is 2mL I wrote 1mL....thanks I will have to heat it every time I shoot to make sure its all in the solution the when I shoot it?

bro if its in solution you can look at it and tell. it will be clear. if it crashes it will become a solid mess. just heat it everytime. i always reheat just for easier injects. its no biggy.

adding 6ml of bb still gonna give you well over 200mg/ml and it should hold then. after you add the bb (sterile) heat til it clears and you should be good to go. or dont worry about it and heat everytime. it only takes a minute on the stove top.