Finding GEAR has become nothing, but a game of SCAMS and SCAMMERS!!!!!

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I have had experience with gear going back to the early 2000's, so this isn't my first rodeo. I still have plenty to learn, but not the kid around the corner that will buy tylenol thinking its really d-bol if you catch my drift. When I was first exposed to the world of steroids, it seemed to be a scene with a lot more legitimacy and a lot less scamming. I was in the northeast region on the United States when I gave it a go at my first cycle back in 2003. I was extremely new to this and had no knowledge of what I was dealing with. Luckily the individual that introduced me to the gear world knew exactly what he was doing. My first cycle entailed QV products, which no long exist unfortunately. There may be people out there that have had bad experiences, but in the community I was involved in there were no ill feelings towards QV products. I went from 120 lbs to 178lbs in a span of 3 years. In 2006 i joined the army and have recently been honorably discharged. Being in the military, I didn't have much time for getting involved with any gear and doing it properly with all the deployments and training, so I just worked out to maintain as much as possible while in the military. Now that I am out; I have been in search of gear ever since and let me tell you the game has changed so drastically in just a decade. I feel as though there are no legitimate sources out there. I have even considered risking blowing money on an internet source, but thankfully my better judgement has detoured me from that. You see all these scamming websites and its all a game. They delete bad press on forums like this and they have sponsors that get legitimate stuff only to pass cotton seed oil or grape seed oil to the regular guy just trying to get his pump on and its a shame! I currently live by the border and I can't even depend on jumping over to get some good stuff. Even the UGL's in Mexico are scamming the hell out of people with their incredible packaging and holograms. Can't even trust those measures anymore. The good ole method of trying to make buddies at the gym and talk to guys that clearly have every symptoms of using gear won't even help a guy out. Finding gear has been literally the journey to find the holy grail for me. I have lost faith in the body building community.
I totally disagree with that. I have been around for awhile myself now to. Back in the 2000's everybody and their bro had gear but the shit was so underdosed and had major pip... I have found some great, and I mean GREAT sources over the last few years. Excellent gear, pct, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), all of it borther. Customer service like you have had them over at your house for dinner and met your None of that gym b.s. sorry bro I got burned too... I think it has came along way since back then...
Wow, that's quite a pointless and bazaar rant. Is this just a really long winded way of asking for someone to PM you a source? I frequently blow money on internet sources yet I have never been scammed, not even once.
Not really sure what is bazaar about sharing my experience and frustration, but to each their own. I guess you are one of the lucky one's that have not been scammed and in lucky I mean lucky enough to find some one that is a straight shooter that introduced you to the source. The fact is that thousands of people get scammed on sites that are apparently 'LEGIT". The proof is in the pudding.
I actually find the process fairly simple, long but simple. Research, research, and research some more. See what labs people are using, see what labs have blood test posted by a large number of different members from various forums. Do a search on the specific lab that you start thinking might be good. Use search strings such as "lab name complaint," "lab name scam," "lab name under dosed."

Email the lab, request references, see what board the lab is on / what board the reference are on. Check the profiles and emails addresses of each on said boards. Verify they are correct. Email a mod / vet / trusted member of whatever forum, and send them the info you gathered, and ask for their opinion on the lab. For example I trust certain members here and will go to them if I have a question about a lab. That trust was / is built over time, just like making a friend in the "real world."

Be discerning in your reading. If a member with 2 post is blasting or singing the praises of a lab I wouldn't trust them. True their feedback might be legit but I still wouldn't trust it, I would keep it in the back of my mind while I continue to read. Find a member with a decent post count, read some of their post, do they always sing the praises of a particular lab, do they sound like a shill? Google said members name with said lab in the string, see what feedback pops up. I've found members who were linked to scams with said labs on other forums that way. Does the member sound knowledgeable in the subjects they speak on?

Then when you're ready to purchase. Only spend what you're willing to lose. Purchase a small amount (enough for testing purposes). Don't stock up on anything, until you run serums / bloods etc on whatever you purchased.

The slower you go, the easier it becomes.
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No, no one introduced me. I did my own research. My first order was from a source I found with Google, my last was from one of the labs that's frequently discussed here. Everyone here has gone through this, I'm not sure what makes you special, it just seems to show a lack of initiative. Spend 10 minutes reading through these forums and you should find at least 3 that are totally legit with good gear. It's just not that hard.
This has been an on going search for 2 years now. I research the labs and am aware of which one's are more legitimate then others. Finding a lab that I have confidence in isn't the problem. Its finding the source that can get their hands on that labs products.
For instance napsgear was a huge resource, but i can find info about how literally thousands and thousands of people got scammed out of products and i hear praises on here from supporters and mods. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to throw up the red flag!
Stick around on the forum and I guarantee you will find a reputable source. Searching for two years is bullshit. You must be new to the internet.
I swear on my life i have been searching that long. Both my wife and I have done extensive research on so called "LEGIT" sites and with every good comment there are tons of things found that are throwing up red flags every where. I am not trying to get personal here. I am just voicing my experience and hoping things turn around for me soon.
This has been an on going search for 2 years now. I research the labs and am aware of which one's are more legitimate then others. Finding a lab that I have confidence in isn't the problem. Its finding the source that can get their hands on that labs products.

The same rules apply to the source. And for the record when I used the term lab, I meant it to be interchangeable. In other words if you find a quality / reputable source, then you don't really have to worry about what lab they are using. If the source is solid through and through and have their ducks in order, then logic would dictate that the lab they are using is legit. If not that would mean the source is handing out bunk gear, which would mean it's not a good source. The source should know what they are pushing more than anyone.
At some point, you're just going to have to take a risk. Like I said, there are a few good sources discussed here on this board so you have no excuse. I think you'll find most people here will be more supportive if you post questions and if your posts have a slightly more positive spin to them. For being your second post, it was strangely angry and combative. You insult the entire community, which is all of us, because of your ineptitude. You offended everyone here, and didn't even ask a question, so what do you expect?
I absolutely agree and thank you for the encouraging words. The source has just been a difficult thing for me. Never was like this for me before. It can be extremely discouraging and frustrating. When people are sitting on the side that has a source it is some times easy to be critical of others and why they can't find a source because you have no worries when it comes to finding your next cycle. I am just hoping to get back on one considering its been since 2006!
My initial comment was aimed at the scammers. You can't possibly sit there and tell me there aren't scammers out there because there are and there are more scammers then actual sources, so my comment was aimed at those individuals, so I don't understand why you would take offense to that. As for the community all I said was I am losing faith. Not really sure where the miscommunication is?
And I'm not gonna lie. I am inept in the internet genre when it comes to gear. I never had to go that route.
You can't possibly sit there and tell me that it's impossible to find gear. Everyone here had done it. It's just not that hard. Bitching and whining just makes you look like an idiot. Your attitude has made Rumpy grumpy, I'm done with this thread.
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