Stats. 28yo, 13%bf, 5'8", 175lbs. Been working out for 5yrs. Solid diet. Workout is 3 days on, 1 day of, 2 days on, 1 day off.
Goals are 185 lbs by end of cycle and drop 2%bf
This is my first ass cycle. Sustanon 250mg 2x per wk. Debating 4 or 8 wks. What size and strength gains can I expect? Are sides common at this dose? I ordered Adex online. How do I know if its legit? Any advice appreciated
Goals are 185 lbs by end of cycle and drop 2%bf
This is my first ass cycle. Sustanon 250mg 2x per wk. Debating 4 or 8 wks. What size and strength gains can I expect? Are sides common at this dose? I ordered Adex online. How do I know if its legit? Any advice appreciated