First big boy cycle - excited to get started


New member
Howdy everyone, read through the New Member section, posted in the intro section already for interwebz-etiquette (lol)

I've ran some PH cycles and have had good gains from it (First cycle freaked me out when I lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks only to realize it was water weight and I still kept all my strength gains!)

I'm ready to do a big boy cycle and run Test E and Super DMZ 2.0 as a kicker...

Weeks 1-10
Test E @ 500MG/week. Monday AM and Thursday PM pins
Super DMZ 2.0 ( (2/2/2/2 (weeks 1-4) )
Cycle support ( (3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2 (weeks 1-8) )

Weeks 11-12
No gear; train, work, eat, sleep, mate, repeat ;)

Weeks 13-16 (PCT)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25

Arimidex on hand.... 0.5mg ED if needed

15% BF

Been doing research on steroids since I was 19 (LOL) just seeing if anyone minds giving it a glance to see if it's laid out well ;)

Cheers gentlemen
What is "Cycle support"?

Don't take 0.5mg adex ED on that test dose...max would be 0.5 EOD imo.

What are your goals?

What type of training are you doing?

Do you have a diet figured out?
Milk Thistle for the SDMZ

Alright, EOD; too easy

Strength main concern, size is a plus

5/3/1 by Jim Wendler (powerlifting) and cardio 2-3 times a week (Either sprints or 3-5 mile run; Army stuff)

4,000cal (40%/40%/20%)
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