First course of sus and deca. and need advice on PCT


New member
Hey guys I started my first course of steroids near the end of october 2011, started off on dbols and then began using sus and deca. yes I know my course was a complete joke and hindsight is a wonderful thing but I was ill advised and not until now after doing some research do I realise that. Basically i finished my course just before the end of december 2011 and 2 months down the line... I have no sex drive, no morning or nighttime erections and have difficulty gaining and maintaining an erection. I'm depressed extremely confused and absolutely desperate for things to return to normal. Please can anyone give any advice on what i need to be taking/doing or how long I will have the wait for my hormones to recover. I think it was the deca that has done this to me even though I only had 7x 200mg shots of it. Here is how i done my course below:

Week 1 : Dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 2 : Dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 3 : Dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 4 : Dbol tablets 20mg ED. 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 5 : 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 6 : 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 7 : 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 8 : 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 9 : 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 10: 500mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday. Started getting Gyno began 20mg Tamoxifen ED.
Week 11: 500mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday. 20mg Tamoxifen ED
Week 12: 20mg of Tamoxifen ED
Week 13: 4 x 1200iu shots of HCG every other day. Brought balls back to full size and was shooting good loads, some sex drive but not great!
Week 14: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 15: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 16: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 17: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 18: Ran out of tamoxifen taking nothing. Noticed a drop in Sex Drive
Week 19: Began taking 8 x 2500iu every other day of HCG again. and 20mg of Tamoxifen every day. Currently had 5x shots at 2500iu per shot of HCG. Still have low sex drive. Poor erections. No morning wood. But balls are back to normal size, and shooting more or less normal loads. (this week ive also started taking 1 tribulus tablet a day(300mg)

I've usually been a reader of these forums and others but never a poster as I have not had anything to really input as a beginner myself, but I hope some of you more experiences guys can help an extremely stressed and worried 23 year old out.

Thanks guys