First cutting cycle with anavar


New member
Hey guys,

I am a new member here, my name is Iwan, 25, I am from Berlin, Germany and I am looking for forward to starting my first ever steroid cycle.

I have been actively working out for the past 3 years and my weight have been ranging between 65 and 83 kg. As of now, I am 75 kg. I am 174 cm. I have had the same problem over the years - in a time of bulking, I become fat and in a time of cutting I lose my muscles. Right now, I just finished a 2 month bulking cycle and I am in probably my best shape ever, at 75 kg , 18% body fat.

I am eager to try an anavar only cycle to lose 4-5 kg of body fat without compromising my muscles. I have bought a total of 90 pills / 20mg of anavar and I am here to ask you, what is the best way to use them. While on anavar, I will be aiming at an 7 000 calorie deficit, attained with strict diet and cardio exercises My questions are:

1) How should I structure my anavar intake, mg per day and in what time of the day should I take the pills ?

2) Despite the 7 000 calorie deficit per week, is it realistic to expect any, even small, muscle gains while burning fat or I should basically be happy to simply keep what I have.

Thank you so much for your time !


I am guessing you are a male. Please confirm.

Males cannot run anavar all by itself. It shuts down your testosterone production and your body needs testosterone to function properly. If you are going to use anavar you must also inject exogenous testosterone.

Please read the FAQs sticky below in my signature. You have a lot to learn before using steroids. And most importantly, your diet needs to be addressed. Check out our diet and nutrition forum.
Männer können nicht alleine anavar laufen. Es schließt Ihre Testosteronproduktion ab und Ihr Körper benötigt Testosteron, um richtig zu funktionieren. Wenn Sie anavar verwenden Sie müssen auch injizieren exogenen Testosteron.
1) How should I structure my anavar intake, mg per day and in what time of the day should I take the pills ?

2) Despite the 7 000 calorie deficit per week, is it realistic to expect any, even small, muscle gains while burning fat or I should basically be happy to simply keep what I have.

40mg a day dosed several times a day . so 10mg in am, 10mg at lunch , 10mg afternoon , 10mg evening. IF your gear is legit 40mg is all you should need to start. after 3 weeks you could bump it up to 50. run it for a max of 8 weeks.

you should run Test as your base. if this is your first cycle then with the test you can expect to lose a little bit of fat and possibly gain some muscle at the same time. Without the test, then expect your natty testosterone levels to diminish and after the var cycle is done expect to lose gains and feel like a little bitch.
At 18% bf I would keep it simple and run 400-500 mg test only. E2 could be a problem due to high bf. I would start with a low dose of adex or aromasin and monitor for sides. A serm, nolvadex, will give you the best protection from gyno, 10mg ed.

It would be better to get your diet and bf under control, but this is the real world and people don't always take good advice.