First cycle advice needed, test e & var


New member
Hey guys started running my first steroid cycle, basically what I have on hand is 5000mg of Test enanthate ( 2 vials ), 2000mg of var, a pack of nolva and a pack of clomid.
Height: 6'0 ( 183cm )
Weight: 83kg ( 178lbs )
Age: Won't say my age because I know it will be critiqued but I want to become a bodybuilder and I take my training and dieting as serious as anyone older who loves the sport.

I am 1 week into cycle at the moment, so far I have only pinned 400mg of test e in 2 seperate shots ( tuesday and saturday ) and will continue to run the test at 400mg / week as it is my first cycle I want to see how my body handles the AAS.
Basically my questions are regarding the anavar ( var ) and when and how much of it i should run in this cycle, my current plan was to run the Test enanthate for 10 weeks and was considering adding in the var about 4 weeks into cycle at starting it at 40mg/day then tapering up to 60mg then back down to 40mg for last 2 weeks of cycle. Will be running the clomid 2 weeks after last pin and nolva i have on hand as I am starting to get from what I can see a small lump growing in my right nipple which is making me paranoid.

Getting gyno one week in? I doubt it...:dunno:

Where is your aromatase inhibitor? How about hCG?

How much Var? Zero. First cycle should be test only.

Man up boy! How old are you.
I have tried some PH's here in aus and am thinking this might have something to do with it, well I have the var now anyway so should I just drop the var and save it for another cycle down the road? I would prefer to keep age not said cause I most likely will be flamed and not taken seriously.
You won't be taken seriously if you don't post your age. We will all just assume the worst. This is an anonymous forum. You don't have to be shy.
Chances are if you're too young we are probably going to advise you not to run aas brother but I think most of us are trying to get away with the flame sessions on young cats. It's our job to give you the best advice possible even if it's not exactly what you want to hear. But we do have your best interests in mind brother. That being said, if you are bent on running said cycle(like I was at your age if not younger probably) we're not going to turn you away to Let you ride the train alone. So lay it on us bro
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I am 18 years old, just turned 18. And I am set on running the cycle and hopefully running it right, the last thing I want to be is one of those naive 18 year old idiots who run aas and know really nothing at all about it. I hope to one day become a full time bodybuilder and although still learning I take my training very serious and would just like your guys honest advice as yous know more than me and I just want some opinions from guys who have been their, know what they're talking about and give honest advice. So do you guys suggest I drop the var and just run the test @ 400mg through for 10 weeks followed by clomid 2 weeks after last pin? I have also been taking 20mg of nolvadex a day at wake just because this right nipple is starting to become a bit noticable well so I think anyway I may just be paranoid but don't want it getting to bad. I talked to my source as well and he suggested i get some letro which he said he can chase up, would you guys recommend that if the nolva doesn't fix the issue?
With your stats (just height and weight alone) you will be advised to make gains naturally. Unless you're about 2% body fat right now, you're probably pretty skinny. No offense but just being honest and trying to help you.

There are no set rules for the use of anabolics but I think most will agree you're more than capable to reach over 200 pounds lean naturally. If you can't naturally, you probably won't ever be successful as a bodybuilder even with anabolics.
before starting your cycle man you should of waited until you knew everything about test e, and var, pct, side effects and etc. Not smart. Should of waited at least 3 more years in my opinion.