First Cycle!! Advice please!!


New member
-Testosterone Propionate
Week 1-10 : 150mgs/EOD

Week 1-6 : 30-50mg/ED

Arimedex : Week 1-10 : .5/ED

Aromasin : Week 1-10 : 12.5mg/EOD


-Week 11: 50mgs/ED
-Week 12: 50mgs/ED
-Week 13: 25mgs/ED
-Week 14: 25mgs/ED

-Week 11: 40mgs/ED
-Week 12: 40mgs/ED
-Week 13: 20mgs/ED
-Week 14: 20mgs/ED

Any advice? different doses? should I use 2 AI's and 2 PCT's or will I be fine with one? Please criticize and give me input if needed, this is my first cycle, I have done 2 prhormine stacks previously, on a PCT now from my last PH stack
1. Going to ask before others do: what are your stats/lifting experience/goals?

2. Why test prop? There a reason why you're going for 10 weeks? I kind of see the justification if the two are related, but prop is a pretty harsh way to get your feet wet with not only the constant pinning required (multiple sites too, can't pin your glutes EOD), but the PIP involved - especially with virgin muscle.

3. I don't recommend dbol for a first cycle at all. You need to understand how your body works/reacts to exogenous testosterone first, and get a handle on estradiol control. Nothing will have you sprouting boobies faster than dbol with poor estradiol control.

4. You only need 1 AI, not two. Pick your poison, and go from there. I do like to see that you understand their necessity, but frankly at those doses and both at the same time will crush your poor estradiol.

5. I see no mention of HCG. I know if I wanted to have the best possible chances of recovery, I would certainly include 250iux2/wk into my cycle. It keeps your nuts from looking like sun dried raisins too. ;)

6. Too soon on the PCT. You need to give time for the test to exit your body or the SERMs will not be as effective. I'd give it a solid week with prop, 2 for cyp/enan.

7. Diet. How well do you have that under lockdown? It is the most important aspect after all. ;)

That about covers it. I strongly recommend that you read the stickies at the top of this forum. The more you know, the better your results will be.

My .02c :)
okay so right now I'm 205lbs 6 foot at 12.5%BF, my goal is to be 190-200lbs at 6 or 7%BF so I have a long way to go, I wanted to start off with prop because I read it has 80% testosterone and that enthanate and cyp are only 60%, I don't mind pinning myself EOD, that won't bother me, I was going to do glutes, shoulders and quads for my sites, I'll do the aromasin for my AI and not do Adex because I also read that the nolva won't be as effective when taking Adex so aromasin it is. my diet is pretty good, 2 protein shakes a day, 6 decent size meals, all that good stuff no junk, fast food, chips etc, lots of chicken and rice, a couple burgers once a week for some cheating but overall I'd say diet is good. I will wait a week for PCT if that's what you think, and honestly I really don't know much of anything about HCG's, I know they're supposed to bring back your natural test levels but I really don't know anything about them, different brands, doses or anything like that so any advice and knowledge on that would be greatly appreciated!
okay so right now I'm 205lbs 6 foot at 12.5%BF, my goal is to be 190-200lbs at 6 or 7%BF so I have a long way to go, I wanted to start off with prop because I read it has 80% testosterone and that enthanate and cyp are only 60%, I don't mind pinning myself EOD, that won't bother me, I was going to do glutes, shoulders and quads for my sites, I'll do the aromasin for my AI and not do Adex because I also read that the nolva won't be as effective when taking Adex so aromasin it is. my diet is pretty good, 2 protein shakes a day, 6 decent size meals, all that good stuff no junk, fast food, chips etc, lots of chicken and rice, a couple burgers once a week for some cheating but overall I'd say diet is good. I will wait a week for PCT if that's what you think, and honestly I really don't know much of anything about HCG's, I know they're supposed to bring back your natural test levels but I really don't know anything about them, different brands, doses or anything like that so any advice and knowledge on that would be greatly appreciated!

OP: Hold off on your cycle until you have researched a LOT more... I see you left off your age?
If you click on 'Anabolic Steroid Forum' - midway down the page you will see various threads prefixed with envelopes... these are called stickies, and I suggest you read ALL of these many many times so that you understand how to construct and run a safe and productive cycle.

Do NOT rush to inject compounds into your body that you clearly know nothing about. EDUCATION IS KING!

You're in the right place buddy, lots to learn from on here.
Just hold off until you know what you're doing.

i agree with everyone above also once you have done your research your also want to add in cycle support mr supps tudca will help protect your liver dbol is nothing to play with without cycle support