First Cycle advice


New member
Hi Fellas!

I've been reading threads in this forum for a while now and after a fair bit of research I am ready to begin my first cycle.
At this point my cycle looks like this
week 1-15 500mg Test Enanthate
Weeks 13-17: Arimidex
Weeks 17-20 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

I am not sure my timing is right for the post cycle therapy (pct) and I know arimidex will help if Gyno appears but is it useful in post cycle therapy (pct) or should I be looking at four weeks of Nolvadex/clomid instead?
I think a test only cycle to start with is best and I want my post cycle therapy (pct) in place before I begin.

My stats are as follows:
Height 5 '11
Weight 180lbs
Age 39

Training: I have been training since I was 18 but loads of running(5-10km) so I have not been lifting weights all that time for mass.
I have been lifting heavy for the last two years and spent a few years back in my late 20s lifting for mass. The heaviest I have been naturally is 191lbs

Bodyfat: probably 11-12%
Diet fairly clean(chicken breast, lean red meat, Tuna, wholemeal bread, low GI carbs, olive oil, flaxseed oil)

I plan to up my calories to 3000-4000 per day during cycle.

Any advice on this would be great

Hey Johnny,Looks like youve done a fair bit of research dude, which is a good thing. Here are my thoughts on your post-

1. Only run the Test for 12 weeks, 250mg Mon and Fri, you don't need to do 15 weeks thats a huge first cycle. 12 weeks is perfect for first time.

2. Run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice PW after week 3-4 until post cycle therapy (pct) ( 250iu twice PW ) this will keep your boys nice and full - i didnt have any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for my cycle so i had raisins for 3 months, lol.

3. Get Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct), run it Week 14-18, 40/40/20/20.

4. Also i used Arimidex EOD ( 0.25 ) whilst on cycle as i was paranoid about GYNO because i had a higher BF when i started- personal choice but it didn't effect me so it was a safety thing.

5 .Make sure you contact 3J in the diet section before you start and get him to look at your diet, 4000cals clean is very VERY difficult to do and you need to time your food properly, eg PWO, PPWO when to load on carbs etc etc.

Good luck man!!! Smash those weights

Run 12 weeks @ 500mg
Use .5mg Adex ED 1-12 unless your joints hurt. Then back off to EOD or .25mg ED.
~10 days after last shot start 40mg nolva for 2 weeks then 20mg for 2 weeks
If you have HCG I'd take 1000mg (2 500mg shots) during weeks 3,4,7,8,11, and 12. Then 1000mg the day you start nolva.
Try 4000 clean cals/day and adjust if necessary
I like 23g 1" needles.
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I thought that you were supposed to run HCG either through the whole cycle or in a blast phase??
You can run it just with PCT aswell.

I don't think someone running a first cycle should just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) "just in case" for gyno, you're already low on fat so no real increased change for gyno. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (even at .25/.50) will hinder some (even if little) of your gains. You can keep it on hand incase you sense a form of gyno. As the above person said, run it for 12 weeks. You can use prop or an oral to kickstart if you wish.

You can read the sticky on PCT by det-oak and see what to take. he recommends an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout the cycle along with HCG throughout or in a blast phase before post cycle therapy (pct). I'm going with a split of Nolva and Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct), as stated on the sticky. Hope this helps. You mights also want to read the sticky on injections as well. Don't want to hit a vein or nerve do you?

Hope my 2 cents helps.