First cycle advice


New member
Hey fellas, i am planning to do my first cycle and need some advice.

i am 36, 174cm tall, 170lbs
work out for about 5 years now

use to work out hard and eat well

My cycle will be:

-test-e 500mg/week 10 weeks
-dbol 30-40 mgs ed 6 weeks

My question is:

what do you recommend me to add with this cycle?, deca?, tren?

also about nolvadex and clomid i have read that some people use to take nolva all during cycle and do PCT with clomid, and other say just take nolva in case of gyno.

I have spent hours in the web searching for advice but is just so many different option that i am confused and don't want to mess up.

My goal is to gain 15-20 lbs and keep them indeed.

Have done 2 cycles with dbol only in the past with decent results.

In this case i REALLY need some expert advice from you guys.

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like AROMASIN, to use instead of Nolvadex for an anti estrogen. Use Nolvadex for PCT, and those compounds you are using already should be sufficient enough.
i'm using tren for my first cycle right now, many vets here will tell you to run test at 500mg for 1-12 weeks and i would say run that dbol 1-6weeks at 30mg. I ran 30mg 5 days a week and had unreal strength. Watch your sodium intake because buddy dbol you give a BLOAT, so run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Pct do clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20. When running your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you feel a lump underneath start taking 10-20mg of nolva