Hey guys,
So I've been cycling off and on since 2001, and have been off since 2014. I've run all sorts of cycle from long one's (16 weeks), to shorter one's (6-8 weeks), to a short cycles with minimal time off (6 week on, 4 weeks off) which showed me the best gains as I usually plateau around the 6-8 week mark in all my cycles, regardless of what I run. Please let me know what you guys think about this as this will be my first cycle since 2014, so I'm just going to start with a Test only cycle.
Week 1: Front load Test at 500mg 2x this week (for a total of 1g Test this first week)
Aromasin 25mg ed
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Weeks 2-6: 250mg Test 2x per week (500mg total per week)
Aromasin 25mg ed
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Weeks 6-10: HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Week 11: Restart at week 1
*Reasons for choices of each*
Testosterone (Cypionate in this case): Don't think there really needs to be an explanation as to why I'm running Test as my base to the cycle
Aromasin (since I can't mix Arimidex with HCG)........ keeps my estrogen in check which makes way for pure lean muscle gain....... and no water or little if any. This way when I'm off for those 2-4 weeks; my body does not try to overcompensate by forming or bringing up my estrogen level. Of course remember that I'm not off that long and usually my body does not have a chance to start the estrogen building process unless I really start eating like a pig ( junk foods; this is one of the main cause of estrogen rebounds when off cycle I notice).
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week for the entire cycle and off time. In other words I'm never off. I also have experimented with it 1-week before going off cycle all the way through to the start of the next cycle than I stop and repeat at the same time as I stated.
*lab test confirm Test levels normal while a little high. all else is normal of course my libido is always up and balls are full.
Proviron: Every now and then I will use Proviron at 50-mg per day while on cycle and lower it to 25mg per day while off. Thought process for this is to allow for free testosterone (thus leaving my body) the ability to not struggle on it's own to get back in normal range. For some reason studies suggest that this is in fact a great way to cycle Proviron as the more free Testosterone you have the more quality and lean muscle you are able to have and also it has an ability to keep your natural test at normal or above range
What are everyone's thoughts on this? Am I wrong with this plan? What would you tweak? Please advise
So I've been cycling off and on since 2001, and have been off since 2014. I've run all sorts of cycle from long one's (16 weeks), to shorter one's (6-8 weeks), to a short cycles with minimal time off (6 week on, 4 weeks off) which showed me the best gains as I usually plateau around the 6-8 week mark in all my cycles, regardless of what I run. Please let me know what you guys think about this as this will be my first cycle since 2014, so I'm just going to start with a Test only cycle.
Week 1: Front load Test at 500mg 2x this week (for a total of 1g Test this first week)
Aromasin 25mg ed
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Weeks 2-6: 250mg Test 2x per week (500mg total per week)
Aromasin 25mg ed
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Weeks 6-10: HCG: 250IU 3 x per week
Week 11: Restart at week 1
*Reasons for choices of each*
Testosterone (Cypionate in this case): Don't think there really needs to be an explanation as to why I'm running Test as my base to the cycle

Aromasin (since I can't mix Arimidex with HCG)........ keeps my estrogen in check which makes way for pure lean muscle gain....... and no water or little if any. This way when I'm off for those 2-4 weeks; my body does not try to overcompensate by forming or bringing up my estrogen level. Of course remember that I'm not off that long and usually my body does not have a chance to start the estrogen building process unless I really start eating like a pig ( junk foods; this is one of the main cause of estrogen rebounds when off cycle I notice).
HCG: 250IU 3 x per week for the entire cycle and off time. In other words I'm never off. I also have experimented with it 1-week before going off cycle all the way through to the start of the next cycle than I stop and repeat at the same time as I stated.
*lab test confirm Test levels normal while a little high. all else is normal of course my libido is always up and balls are full.
Proviron: Every now and then I will use Proviron at 50-mg per day while on cycle and lower it to 25mg per day while off. Thought process for this is to allow for free testosterone (thus leaving my body) the ability to not struggle on it's own to get back in normal range. For some reason studies suggest that this is in fact a great way to cycle Proviron as the more free Testosterone you have the more quality and lean muscle you are able to have and also it has an ability to keep your natural test at normal or above range
What are everyone's thoughts on this? Am I wrong with this plan? What would you tweak? Please advise