FIRST CYCLE ANAVAR - Could it be dboL, Or am I reacting just awesome on that stuff?


New member
I'm in the second week of my anavar cycle,
I m living in Thailand and its easy to get basically everything in pharmas here.
I did a lot of research trying to find out which UGL is legit. Here in Asia we have so many labs its is really hard to know what is good and what not.
Anyway I decided to go with SB lab OXAN, I found something in another forum where people say its good stuff.
Since I m on it I feel a big difference!
I m taking 30mg ed, and my pump is great my strength went up by 20% in benchpress.
The problem was I did a bad diet in the first week, eating a lot of great stuff because I had visitor having holiday in this great country.
I was doing this bodytest in my Gym and I gained a bit more then 2 kilos since I started var. 2 weeks on it I put on almost 2 kg of muscle and lost 1% of BF. Now I m wondering is that normal for var?
Or could it be dbol?

Additionally I noticed that my hair is dropping a bit more then usual which would be a reason for me to abort it.
This is strange tho and keeps me thinking it could be DBOL, I never read anything about problems with dropping more hair by using var. However my body reacts maybe very differently and more sensitive to steroids.

Anybody has similar experience with var?
Is it possible to gain so much in so short amount of time with just 30mg? (I didnt eat crazy the first week, just really good)
Because of my hairloss problem would it make sense going down to 20mg?
Or changing the company?
What would happen if I abort it now, do i need any kind of PCT?

Just would like to hear some of your experience with var.
Oral Only Cycles are bad news you need some test to compliment it test is king!

I know that :-)

I but I found var the best option for me. And obviously it does work.
I m wondering if it is possible to use var as a boost, because I already have gains and feels great so why not stop here and maintain. I just went through a personal limit I couldnt cross before, and I m confident to keep this level or even build on it now.

Anybody has ever heard of doing a 3 weeks or 4 weeks var cycle?
Oral cycles are for chics. Your an idiot...

Love you Tbone. You tell it like it is.
OP, you are complaining about sides that may have been avoided with a proper cycle using test with the anavar/dbol/tbol or whatever you have.
Good luck with it.
Thanks for this productive comment tbone,
so dbol is for chicks? :)
Do you know anything about anavar? I look for gains in strength and want lean mass, additional cutting bf, and this is exactly what is happening. I know I m an idiot getting exactly what i was looking for ;)
If I go with test I put on way more then I want to.
So please don't talk.

Just wondering how short I actually can run anavar? i think I will be satisfied with 3-4 weeks cycle surprisingly I almost reach what I wanted to archive. So why not do it short, safe money, health etc..?
@Yodatron what I mean is there anything contradict to running this cycle very short?
and if doing it so short what kind of PCT would you guys recommend.
you dont want to run them more than 4 weeks they are very toxic to the liver everything you gain your probably going to loose not worth it read that link I sent you its should explain it you will not get any positive out of this thread just more dudes not agreeing and tbonexl knows what he is talking about just fyi
Thanks for the link
I do get the point that it hits on the liver.
But Dbol is so much more toxic.
People who run them tell the exact opposite, they keep almost all of their gains with almost no wet gains. Anavar is the mildest of all orals, some people even say its not worth it do think about toxicity. I disagree with that and at least take milk thistle run it very low with 30mg and never more then 6 weeks.

This is in the article you send me....
Although Anavar doesn***8217;t give users tremendous gains in muscle mass, it is an ideal steroid for burning fat and giving the body a more cut look. Additionally, the muscle mass gained and fat burned tend to be more permanent than with the steroids associated with large muscle mass gains. Anavar also causes more mild side effects limited effect on the liver and comparatively limited effect on the bodys natural sex hormones. Anavar is readily available in foreign countries and on the black market, although it is fairly expensive.This steroid works well for the promotion of strength and duality muscle mass gains, although it***8217;s mild nature makes it less than ideal for bulking purposes. Among bodybuilders it is most commonly used during cutting phases of training when water retention is a concern....
Thanks for this productive comment tbone,
so dbol is for chicks? :)
Do you know anything about anavar? I look for gains in strength and want lean mass, additional cutting bf, and this is exactly what is happening. I know I m an idiot getting exactly what i was looking for ;)
If I go with test I put on way more then I want to.
So please don't talk.

Just wondering how short I actually can run anavar? i think I will be satisfied with 3-4 weeks cycle surprisingly I almost reach what I wanted to archive. So why not do it short, safe money, health etc..?

U really are being an idiot... Instead of messing with var only cycles (lmfao), why not stop being a lazy ass and tighten up your diet and training? I promise u that what your doing is dumb as shit...
U really are being an idiot... Instead of messing with var only cycles (lmfao), why not stop being a lazy ass and tighten up your diet and training? I promise u that what your doing is dumb as shit...

My training is great man, I have a awesome body and i am working as model. Because of my job I cant do test and put on water...
Var is a great choice of doing cutting and simultaneously gaining some good lean mass, if you tried it before you would know what i m talking about.

Believe me, I understand test only is the best and I would love to run that and get some serious gains and also the positive impacts of it ,but for me it isnt the right stuff. Get my point?

Dont hang me on this man just here for getting some good advice ;-) thx
My training is great man, I have a awesome body and i am working as model. Because of my job I cant do test and put on water...
Var is a great choice of doing cutting and simultaneously gaining some good lean mass, if you tried it before you would know what i m talking about.

Believe me, I understand test only is the best and I would love to run that and get some serious gains and also the positive impacts of it ,but for me it isnt the right stuff. Get my point?

Dont hang me on this man just here for getting some good advice ;-) thx

Like I said, your being an idiot. You need test. As far as water weight goes that can easily be controlled by an ai and bloodwork. What are u gonna do when your dick stays limp from being shut down?
Like I said, your being an idiot. You need test. As far as water weight goes that can easily be controlled by an ai and bloodwork. What are u gonna do when your dick stays limp from being shut down?

Not running any ai. For limping dick thats what the PCT is for, am I wrong?
Ai is what you run along your cycle for reduced sides but look into clomid and nolvadex haven't ever done oral only cycle so not sure exactly lol sorry bud
Thx man, ai is to prevent ESTROGEN right? Anavar will give you no probs with estrogen so not necessary.
I m still reading post form people sure about anavar will not shut you down completely by 6 weeks of 50mg or more... anyhow just trying to find out what could be the best PCT for me so there will be no dick limping at all.
But probably better to more then to less? Nolva 40/20/20/20?
Would help me a lot if I could get recommendations about the best PCT to for a low, short, var cycle.