FIRST CYCLE ANAVAR - Could it be dboL, Or am I reacting just awesome on that stuff?

If you research you cant find anybody saying anavar didnt do its job.(if it was legit!) People saying this stuff is the shit. Obviously if you run it with test your results will be incredible and much better then only as far as I read. The link Yodatron posted is very helpful, but also it says what var is, check it out.

I m sorry guys I know you probably made really good experience with injectables and everybody knows orals are very toxic and dangerous etc, but anavar is different. I m not that stupid, before I started this cycle I basically made research for over 3 years lol, couldnt be sure what to do. I m hearing now more and more about peaple having great results with var only, also a friend of mine he just went through a 6 w 30mg cycle and you cant look better in my opinion.

Take the side effects and the gains in relation and you will see var is a great drug, also to run alone.
Of course it really depends on what you want... for me I want lean gains and less BF, dont look for the big mass, I m 192cm 96kg now 10%bf

I started doing 30 mg and after 10 days the pumps are amazing, strength, lean mass increased nicely. I went down to 20mg just because i m weeping around because i think my hair drops more then usual but if its about my hair I m always sensitive! But I think I m the only one you can find who says about dropping hair and var.
Its my first cycle and I love it today my squats skyrocked! Could not stop doing it. My back is basically pumped all day long, I have a pull up bar at home, doing 12 reps before i go out the house and my lats explode all day its really nice. It feels like you permanently have the pump you normally have right after the gym.

If var is bad because its oral and the other probably will tell you that over and over again, then I m sorry telling you about my positive experience with it. On the other side would be great hearing opinions of people who actually tried or at least done proper research on var.

Ah and by the way I just had a wank. Its still working alright. Its less suppressive then other AAS also no estrogen side effects dont worry about bitch titts etc.
6 weeks cycle 50mg clomid PCT 10 days people recommend. i will abort most likely after 4 weeks and run clomid 50mg maybe 14 days at least to make sure.
Also I m taking milk thistle to protect the liver. Just as precaution...

Please make your own research.
So to answer your original question, No, most likely no one here has had the sides you did with running Var solo, because we are on a steroid site filled with great advice and tons of experienced lads, and running oral only is one thing non of us would consider. With three years of research, you would know better! Best of luck with wasting your time running a 4 week oral only cycle
Not sure where you are doing your research but WOW... I'm guessing you are in the 18 -23 year old range.
Having a working rod doesn't mean you are not shut down..... And the milk thistle comment was icing on the cake, if you did any research at all you would also know that milk thistle is one of the least effective liver protectors in the market.. welcome to the 21 century..
No one said anavar alone wouldn't work as it will, your just going to be very disappointed 6 weeks from now and will have wasted your time and money.
You say you want comments from people who have done proper research on var well this thread is loaded with them, most of us have used it numerous times, researched the crap out of it and love the stuff. The problem is not that you want to run it alone its the fact that you are spewing out bad information to new people when they read it. You can run it alone as much as you want its your decision but don't jeopardize some newbies hormonall balance with misleading info Researching something does not mean you search and search until you find the answer your looking for from another misinformed person.
Not sure where you are doing your research but WOW... I'm guessing you are in the 18 -23 year old range.
Having a working rod doesn't mean you are not shut down..... And the milk thistle comment was icing on the cake, if you did any research at all you would also know that milk thistle is one of the least effective liver protectors in the market.. welcome to the 21 century..
No one said anavar alone wouldn't work as it will, your just going to be very disappointed 6 weeks from now and will have wasted your time and money.
You say you want comments from people who have done proper research on var well this thread is loaded with them, most of us have used it numerous times, researched the crap out of it and love the stuff. The problem is not that you want to run it alone its the fact that you are spewing out bad information to new people when they read it. You can run it alone as much as you want its your decision but don't jeopardize some newbies hormonall balance with misleading info Researching something does not mean you search and search until you find the answer your looking for from another misinformed person.

You right with that, I dont want to mislead anybody I should have stated that more clearly. Milk thistle good enough to protect the liver over short period, with min var.
In fact var is working for me great and I m impressed of the results already thats what I m saying, i dont think I will regret my decision using it alone. That it is working a lot better as stack no question! But you also putting more hormones in your body over a longer time...anyway to many factors dont allow me to do a long cycle and my goals are perfectly arrangeable with var only, and so far better then expected
It sounds like you're having a good experience so far but the look you're going to get off of 4 weeks of low dosed var is so easily attained naturally with a correction in diet.

Also I don't understand "aesthetic" guys so terrified of test blowing them up. Eat a low sodium, healthy diet and control your estrogen and you won't put on water weight.

Your diet will dictate if you put on muscle or lose fat. You can become a shredded freak or a beast just from your natural male hormone alone (in AAS terms).

Also don't disregard all these vets with thousands of posts and decades of experience. Nobody would learn if knowledge wasn't passed on but sifting through the bs is up to us all.
It sounds like you're having a good experience so far but the look you're going to get off of 4 weeks of low dosed var is so easily attained naturally with a correction in diet.

Also I don't understand "aesthetic" guys so terrified of test blowing them up. Eat a low sodium, healthy diet and control your estrogen and you won't put on water weight.

Your diet will dictate if you put on muscle or lose fat. You can become a shredded freak or a beast just from your natural male hormone alone (in AAS terms).

Also don't disregard all these vets with thousands of posts and decades of experience. Nobody would learn if knowledge wasn't passed on but sifting through the bs is up to us all.

Thats right, I guess i could have got this buy a strict diet and training. But originally 6 weeks was planned, but now the problem with increased hair loss came across. My hair is more important then to complete this cycle with all of its benefits (unfortunately)!

I know I sounds like i didnt know what i wanted in the first place, but i did. I m in my 3rd week now and I want to abort because of my hair, I was watching it everyday and I dont want to take the risk getting bold(er) anymore.

As I said before I wanted to do a standard PCT of nolva after 6 weeks....
Now I did almost 3weeks of 30mg ed, dick is still working, what should I consider for PCT? Still going 4 weeks of nolva 40/20/20/20? The sides of Nolva arent low either so I would be happy to reduce everything I can to get back to normal, also I read people using Clomid 50mg for 10days after a full cycle var, and some arent using anything because var isnt so suppressive...
How about Tribulus, does this do any work?
please advise
You won't get much from tribulus. At this point I would suggest keeping on the anavar for another few weeks and then do a PCT with nolva and clomid.

You can start PCT a couple days after your cycle b/c the short half life and you probably won't need much for dosages. Nolva 20/20/20/20 and clomid at 25/25/25/25 you should be good.

Don't worry so much about your hair. I would be shocked if it wouldn't come back to full strength in a short time.
Of course in no way do i recommend an oral only cycle as if you're going to shut yourself down you may as well make reasonable gains and still have your natural male hormone helping gains.

Next time test only or test with
Of course in no way do i recommend an oral only cycle as if you're going to shut yourself down you may as well make reasonable gains and still have your natural male hormone helping gains.

Next time test only or test with

Next time test only or test with[/QUOTE]

IF there will be a next time, sure deal! ;)
I will drop that stuff now for sure, dont want to run it anymore.
I m not shut down yet everything is working fine down there, is PCT in such case really necessary? If yes how low and how short i can do it?

About the hair, what makes you think the come back to old strength?
Just found this -...

Side Effects (Testosterone Suppression):
All anabolic/androgenic steroids when taken in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production. Oxandrolone is no exception. In the above-cited study on HIV+ males, twelve weeks of 20 mg or 40 mg per day caused an approximate 450/0 reduction in serum testosterone levels.The group taking 80 mg noticed a 66% decrease in testosterone. Similar trends of decrease were noticed in LH production, ,with the 20 mg and 40 mg doses causing a 25-30% reduction, and the 80 mg group noticing a decline of more than 50°10. Additionally, studies on boys with constitutionally delayed puberty have demonstrated significant suppression of endogenous LH and testosterone with as little as 2.5 mg per day.406 Without the intervention of testosterone stimulating substances, testosterone levels should return to normal within 1-4 months of drug secession. Note that prolonged hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism can develop secondary to steroid abuse, necessitating medical intervention.

If this is true, I may have an decrease of not more then 15%-20% of test level from var of 30mg over 16 days
I have the feeling Hgc or even tribulus could work fine for that..?

But if I can get some honest opinions to that would be helpful. Cheers
If you are absolutely sure you want to stop now there is a good chance you'll recover just fine over time with such a low dose short cycle. But why even risk it taking a few months to come back when by that time you may have lost all your gains plus more if your natural test is lowered.

This is why i say make a few more weeks of gains and then pct like normal. Don't do nolva alone as it doesn't stimulate your natural test production like clomid does.

And unless you suffer from MPB genetically your hair should come in just fine. This being your first "cycle" it's probably just more attention to detail and paranoia than actually hair loss
Thx for the reply, no Im sure to stop now. Probably I had junk mixxed with some crap causing my hair to drop. It is actually the case I really lose hair and I feel they became thinner, dont want to take this risk, even tho I changed brands kind of want my body to come back to normal asap.
I will do a light PCT just in case. Maybe this pills contained anavar but probably also other stuff which could have messed up my hormones, so I will go safe do a light PCT with zinc, fish oil, vitamin D/C, and also hope my hair will come back to normal quickly.

Thanks a lot for your concern, really appreciated !
I'm also looking into a Var only Cycle as my first cycle. How is it going so far? Did you consider tBol?

FFS just inject test. If you're concerned about needles, don't be. It's relatively painless and won't cause the same health risks that an oral only cycle will.

Just finished my first cycle - test only, as per the advice on this board, and am glad I did that instead of taking var / dbol...
Not sure where you are doing your research but WOW... I'm guessing you are in the 18 -23 year old range.
Having a working rod doesn't mean you are not shut down..... And the milk thistle comment was icing on the cake, if you did any research at all you would also know that milk thistle is one of the least effective liver protectors in the market.. welcome to the 21 century..
No one said anavar alone wouldn't work as it will, your just going to be very disappointed 6 weeks from now and will have wasted your time and money.
You say you want comments from people who have done proper research on var well this thread is loaded with them, most of us have used it numerous times, researched the crap out of it and love the stuff. The problem is not that you want to run it alone its the fact that you are spewing out bad information to new people when they read it. You can run it alone as much as you want its your decision but don't jeopardize some newbies hormonall balance with misleading info Researching something does not mean you search and search until you find the answer your looking for from another misinformed person.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.... I wonder why EVERYBODY isn't using var only cycles if it gives you "lean gains AND less BF" The way hitbro is describing it, it sounds like a miracle drug that gives the best of all worlds!

Hitbro, there is alot of information that has been provided to you that explains why oral only cycles are worthless and dangerous. You are going to be in for a rude awakening in a month or two when you are worse off than when you started. You also can't BS a BS'er. With everything you have said, there is no way you did "3 years" of research on var and still decided to do a var only "cycle". This is the exact reason that AAS are illegal... because of dumbasses like you. Rant over.