First Cycle and Bloods Question


New member
Hello Brothers,

I've lurked a bit but never had much to add. Never used any gear but have run 30 days of MK-677 (20mg/day) with Yohimbine HCL to cut and I seemed to react well. Starting my very first cycle soon and would like to ask a few things.

Age: 30
Height: 6' 1/2"
Weight: 264 Lbs
BF%: 20%
Training Mostly Compounds about 4 years

When I started training 4 years ago, I was at 215 lbs, skinny/lanky. I had two BF tests recently, one with calipers by a NASM trainer and one by electronic scale. Calipers gave me a little under 17% and scale 19%/20% (same day..) so I'll just go with higher number. My BF was higher a few months ago in the high 20s but I've lost a lot of fat this year deliberately to get ready for first cycle/summer, etc. I stopped cutting because I feel my strength going down now. Conventional DL 1RM is 580 beltless, Strict Military Press 215x2 just for a reference. I know I'm not particularly strong for my weight but think I have a decent strength base. Most recently cutting, I lost about 15% strength and don't really think I can get -that- much leaner without losing more muscle/strength.

With that out of the way, my goal is to get stronger, hopefully leaner and fill in some muscle where it needs to be. I don't care about getting 'shredded', just want to be leaner. I like my current silhouette but I am smooth and fluffy except some parts of my legs which seem to carry less fat than upper body..

I will start with a lower dose

150mg Test E Monday and Thursday (300mg/week)
250 iu HCG Monday and Thursday (500iu/week)
Plan to Run 10-12 Weeks. Will stop at 10 weeks if results halt or I'm not getting anything out of it. I'll be journaling everything.

Also have Nolva, more MK-677 and Clomid but a little hesitant on Clomid after hearing lots and lots of side effect stories from people. Any thoughts?

What I wanted to ask in particular was what exact blood test should I order? I have Labcorp available to me nearby and want to get testing but there are a lot of different ones. I called and asked but they basically just said "you should know which testosterone test you need from your doctor". I found 'Total testosterone' test on their site to order but there are other types. Just want to make sure I get all the info I need first like base estrogen and all that.

My main concern is keeping my levels under control because I feel I'm pretty prone to estrogen sides (I do have some gyno from puberty and have been saving up for surgery) but I don't know if that is limiting my gains or what.

Thanks for the time.
You really want to drop that bodyfat to at least 15% (on caliper), less is better in your case before you start cycling, specially since you're prone to estro sides and have a history of gyno.
You'll be happy for that decision.

300mg/week is not much of a cycle to be honest. I'd say bump that up to 500mg/week instead. Enanthate also dont start kicking in fully until week 6, so I'd say you'd want to run 12 weeks.
For adex you can start with 0.25mg EOD and bump it up to 0.25mg ED if necessary.
That would also be the "beginner cycle", so skip the MK-677 for this run and just go with test e only.

Never really read about clomid sides so cant comment on that specifically but standard PCT involves both nolva and clomid.

For blood panels you'll want total test + free test and e2 panel at the very least. So you have a reference value that you want to strive to recover too but also so you know off cycle estrogen levels. (So you know if it dramatically changed when you check in on AI @ week 6, either up or down.)
If you can afford it, get "general health" panels, rbc, wbc, hematocrit etc.

And the most important part is to nail down your diet, something i currently fail at myself... 3J have an amazing diet sticky that you should check out.
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Check out this link a lot of the question your asking are here if not all your questions. Short read but has all the info. Great feedback from a lot of peeps.
Thank you for the response. I found those tests on their site but still no price. Called again and they seemed reluctant to give me a price over the phone for out of pocket pay.
Will keep a log here of how things go.
Thank you for the response. I found those tests on their site but still no price. Called again and they seemed reluctant to give me a price over the phone for out of pocket pay.
Will keep a log here of how things go.
then go with privatemdlabs then, they have a proven track record. google them.
You don't deal with Labcorp directly, go through Get the female panel test and check online for the 15% off coupon.
Go to PrivateMdLabs and get the Female Hormone Panel (put male in the box at the Lab).

This will give you all you need ~ Total Test (serum), Estradiol, LH, FSH, CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Profile.
This Cost $66.99

I agree with the above post on getting your Body Fat Percent down before you start.
And Increasing your Test to 500 Mg a week, as apposed to 300 Mg.......................... JP
If you are Prone to Gyno ~ I would use Aromasin as your AI.
It's a Suicidal Inhibitor, so it makes a Permanent Bond to the Aromatase Enzyme.
So only New Activity can occur.

Arimidex only bonds to the Aromatase Enzyme while you are taking it.

Post Edit:
Here's a Promo Code for 15% Off of Online Orders Only for PrivateMdLabs.
This is good till the End of May, then it will change.
Promo Code ~ MAY2018
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Thank you bros who helped with the suggestions.

I've been trying to cut the extra fat slower so I can preserve some more muscle, just using 400 cal deficit, keeping my strength training up and HIIT 2-3x a week up a hill by the freeway (been about 2 months with very little fat % change). I thought maybe my hormones were preventing me from losing more fat but I don't know. It could get pretty complicated. I'll do my best to lose some more before starting. Will get more insight from the test results.

Also awesome for the discount code!
Check out the diet sticky by 3J. Will help you get there faster.
Or even hire 3J yourself (I have done it and very happy). He's a pro and will tailor diet to your personal needs and goals.
So I just got my test results back and my estradiol was flagged as high. Test was normal range

Testosterone 792 Reference Range 264-916 ng/dL

Estradiol 47.4 Reference Range 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Once I start cycle, I'm gonna get another test done in the middle, about 5 weeks in to see how the levels are responding. I was wondering after a bit of research, since I can't really get Aromasin at the moment. Though, I can get Letrozole. I was reading about it being more 'tricky' because it can crush your estrogen easily and inhibit gains. Just by hypothesis, would it make since to start with Arimidex and then switch to letro toward the end of the cycle after muscle building already peaked? Or is it better to just use a small dose of letro from the beginning and read bloods/body's reaction earlier on and adjust? Or maybe neither one.

I appreciate the knowledge and advice.
Haven't logged, been in my own world but I did start last week. No more natty card. Went with 500mg/Week

Monday morning, I got everything ready, cleaned really well, showered and hyped myself up. First injection was a little anxious for a few seconds but I snapped into "lets go" mode and just did it. Got the right glute and took my time pushing. Very easy and no pain. 1 little spot of blood after the massage but that was it. Cut adex pill and popped 0.5mg. I ended up purchasing some liquid letro just to have on hand for after my mid-cycle bloodwork.

Monday I hit Chess, delts, arms and some other upper body work about 40 mins after pin. After first set of each exercise I felt more sore than usual. I pretty much account that to the reduction in carbs though and training fasted. My DOMs definitely lasted longer than usual since I was cutting those last few extra pounds. Decided to have a small meal before gym next time.

Thursday, pinned again same glute. Will switch glutes next pin. Went very smooth again. I was excited and motivated to pin again all week. I'm guessing that's normal first time around. Absolutely no PIP all week. Popped adex. Trained heavy squats, barbell step ups and then lots of machines. Felt much better this work out. Not too sore but I had about 6 eggwhites and 2 whole eggs, half cup of oats pre-work out so I attribute it to the food. Today as I'm typing this, I feel a bit harder and almost no DOMs in legs. Feeling no different really though. No sides or anything yet. First week is in the books. Hit cardio uphill twice this week and 1 day of steady-state stretching (basically yoga).

Saturday, trained OHP and lots of accessory work, direct neck training as well. Plan to up the calories a bit this coming week to 3400/day and train 5 days. I almost wish I would have tried a shorter ester. I was honestly wanting to pin every day. Just being patient to see a change seems it will be the hardest part.
Though, I can get Letrozole. I was reading about it being more 'tricky' because it can crush your estrogen easily and inhibit gains. Just by hypothesis, would it make since to start with Arimidex and then switch to letro toward the end of the cycle after muscle building already peaked? Or is it better to just use a small dose of letro from the beginning and read bloods/body's reaction earlier on and adjust? Or maybe neither one.

Neither one. Get asin or adex and stick to it. Dont introduce letro mid cycle, that would not be good.

Thursday, pinned again same glute. Will switch glutes next pin. Went very smooth again. I was excited and motivated to pin again all week. I'm guessing that's normal first time around. Absolutely no PIP all week. Popped adex. Trained heavy squats, barbell step ups and then lots of machines. Felt much better this work out. Not too sore but I had about 6 eggwhites and 2 whole eggs, half cup of oats pre-work out so I attribute it to the food. Today as I'm typing this, I feel a bit harder and almost no DOMs in legs. Feeling no different really though. /QUOTE]

Try and switch injection site, rule of thumb is only once per 7 days to avoid scar tissue.
Its pretty common wanting to pin over and over again, my first cycle was EOD and was always "waiting" til the next day... So decided i'll go all in with prop again... Its not so fun to pin 4-5 times PER FUCKING DAY(i hate myself sometimes)....anyhow, just wanted to let you know it can also not be so fun ;)
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Okay so basically just adjust the dose of adex if needed, based on my blood work.
Thanks for the input. I thought it would be good to do week to week switch. I don't know where else I can pin really, maybe shoulder? Don't wanna do quads.
Monday felt good. The extra calories made me feel swell. Pinned in the left glute. I decided to mix HCG in same syringe with test. Shot went smooth.
I did notice later on in the day I had some soreness at pin site for the first time and wondered why. Hit the gym hard and felt good. No abnormal strength yet though. Same adex dose.

Tuesday, didn't lift, hit fasted cardio before work uphill for about 25 mins.

Wednesday morning hit legs super hard, deadlifts felt decent, i smashed squat machine and some others until I walked funny. Later in the day, roomate wanted to go lift and I went back to the gym. Hit squats with no problem, about 80% range. After that, I hopped on eliptical for about 20 mins and burned out. I was properly tired and drenched.

Today woke up and legs were not really sore at all. Just felt harder. Before I loaded my shot, I reflected a bit and realized that I may have had some air in my last shot by not 'checking' between the hcg and test. This time I made sure to get all of the air out and pinned with the test and HCG syringe again.
Got some steak and rice in me and went to gym for upper body work. Like I said before, I don't feel stronger yet but I do feel more motivated. Just a mental thing. Pump was good though. Not much to report yet.
Okay so basically just adjust the dose of adex if needed, based on my blood work.
Thanks for the input. I thought it would be good to do week to week switch. I don't know where else I can pin really, maybe shoulder? Don't wanna do quads.

I pin ED and I have 3 sites I use.
Glutes, ventroglutes(my absolute fav site) and quads.

I can't do shoulder, I get such insane pip regardless.

But you're only pinning twice per week ?
I decided to mix HCG in same syringe with test. Shot went smooth.

Not super sure on this but I have back in my head you dont mix water and oil based compounds in the same syringe.

About the air in the syringe, its generally no problem at all, I've seen videos of people literally injecting air into the veins, you'll get short of breath, really hard to breath but the air will clear trough your lungs within minutes.
I dont even aspirate before anymore (sometimes, when I have pain or it needle feels "weird", i double check) but generally just load, pin and push and go on with my day.
Yeah, twice per week. Just thinking ahead of time, if I wanna add EQ next year or something. Seems I would have to be pinning all over to avoid build up.
Yesterday I got my Monday pin in. Hit the gym about an hour later. Hit some heavy squats, SL Deads, lots of ham isolation stuff and calves. Body felt very warm and couldn't stop sweating. Didn't feel abnormally strong.

Today, have a bit of DOMs but very very slight. I haven't gotten any noticeable effects yet. Libido feels normal. Skin isn't more oily (already kinda had oily skin). Week 3 underway.

As for the HCG mixing with Test, I have heard not to mix them as well. I've also heard the contrary. It didn't seem like a problem since it's all going in and it's one less pin. Haven't had that PIP like the last time after remembering to get the air out between the two liquids. Any specific reason I shouldn't put them in the same syringe?