first cycle brahs any recommendations or tips


New member
hey guys, i decided that i want to use aas. I did a fair amount of research on them and i decided to use test-e since i wont have to pin as much as the test-p, Im planning to run it for 12 weeks, at about 250-350 a week. And for PCT i want to use clomix or nolvadex but im not quite sure what one? what do you guys think. So my main goal is to gain about 15-20lbs of muscle and lean out. I know its all about the diet, im thinking about eating 250-500 over maintance. hopefully ill put on muscle and lean out at the same time. well anyways here are my stats. 170lbs, 10%bf, 5"11 almost 6" tall, mesomorph.
hey guys, i decided that i want to use aas. I did a fair amount of research on them and i decided to use test-e since i wont have to pin as much as the test-p, Im planning to run it for 12 weeks, at about 250-350 a week. And for PCT i want to use clomix or nolvadex but im not quite sure what one? what do you guys think. So my main goal is to gain about 15-20lbs of muscle and lean out. I know its all about the diet, im thinking about eating 250-500 over maintance. hopefully ill put on muscle and lean out at the same time. well anyways here are my stats. 170lbs, 10%bf, 5"11 almost 6" tall, mesomorph.

Bump up the dose to 500/week. Use both clomid and nolva... also, you didn't mention an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). You will need one. Please read the stickies.
what do you mean going out on a limb? im 26 years old.

Sorry man, but there have been so many 18-19 year olds in here lately with similar titles to their threads. I was preemptively getting ready for the big age speech again. :worried:

With that said however, I think you would be better off (given your stats) to focus on perfecting your diet and training regimen. You still have plenty of room to grow naturally and honestly feel that you would do far better by holding off on the AAS once you've put on some more weight. AAS can only help to produce results consistent with what you put into your body and how much work you put into the gym. If either of those facets are lacking, you would be frankly wasting your hard-earned money.

If you still feel that you want to cycle, I would strongly suggest you read the stickies in the AAS section as not only is your dosage less than optimal, but you will be able to learn more about PCT and AI's which are needed for a successful cycle. I would start here and continue on with the estrogen sticky and then the blood testing thread by DreDay.

An educated user is a more successful one.

My .02c :)
500mgs of test per week is not going to make you a monster. I think we all wish it were that easy. 250/week is enough to shut you down, but not give much in gains. That's essentially a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose.
whats the point to go that high tho? i dont want to become a monster lol

250mg/wk is what I use to maintain normal testosterone levels. There's no point in spending the money if you're only going to be replacing your natural levels. ;)

Edit: Damn Captn, you're on FIRE today!
250mg/wk is what I use to maintain normal testosterone levels. There's no point in spending the money if you're only going to be replacing your natural levels. ;)

Edit: Damn Captn, you're on FIRE today!

I'm on a web conference... aka pretending to work.
Not counting nooby gains obviously and water.

If you give an African kid in Uganda test obviously he'll gain like 100lbs.
500mg from the doctoral work I've read barely doubles your gains.


If you stay natty and gain 25lbs(lean mass) in a year. You'll be luckily if you can get 50 of lean mass.

*Numbers low to demonstrate math. Here's an article, but the one I'm talking about specifically I found in my university catalog.

Steroids vs Natural: The Muscle Building Effects Of Steroid Use

While it should be common knowledge by now that AAS does provide an environment conducive to building lean mass, I would hesitate citing an (n=43) study. I've yet to see any conclusive studies indicating any sort of linear relationship with the amount of androgens in the bloodstream correlating to actual mass gained. This is where we usually just state:
Everyone's Different~

Genetics, diet, exercise routine and other factors most certainly come into play as well. I do agree that 500mg/wk is a good starting point though. :)
While it should be common knowledge by now that AAS does provide an environment conducive to building lean mass, I would hesitate citing an (n=43) study. I've yet to see any conclusive studies indicating any sort of linear relationship with the amount of androgens in the bloodstream correlating to actual mass gained. This is where we usually just state:
Everyone's Different~

Genetics, diet, exercise routine and other factors most certainly come into play as well. I do agree that 500mg/wk is a good starting point though. :)

Oh of course everyone is different, but I'm simply talking about the general public - I'll have to try and find it via google scholar as my uni's database doesn't do outsource links.

I'm simply stating for the average person you won't see results that are worth the potential health risk. TC said he just wants 15lbs lean - if that's all he wants he should stay natty.
Oh of course everyone is different, but I'm simply talking about the general public - I'll have to try and find it via google scholar as my uni's database doesn't do outsource links.

I'm simply stating for the average person you won't see results that are worth the potential health risk. TC said he just wants 15lbs lean - if that's all he wants he should stay natty.
Definitely agree. :)