First cycle can't wait to get started, what are your thoughts


New member
2 x PureGear TestE 300
4 x PureGear Masteron 100
1 x PureAnadrol 50mg
1 x Pregnyl HCG 15.000iu,
2 x PureNolva 20mg
2 x PureClomid 50mg

Cycle Length: 10 weeks
Cycle Layout:
Weeks 1-10 500 mg PureGear TestE 300 per week
Weeks 1-10 100mg PureGear Masteron 100 every other day
Weeks 1-5 75mg PureAnadrol every day
Weeks 5-10 2000iu Pregnyl HCG every week
Weeks 12-16 20mg PureNolva/50mg PureClomid every day

The user would typically take 2 shots per week of containing 1cc of Testosterone enathate on a schedule such as Sunday/Wednesday and 1cc of Masteron every other day for weeks 1-10. For the first 5 weeks of the cycle the user will take 1.5 tabs of Anadrol 50 every day. Starting at week 5 the user will began to take 500iu of hcg twice per week up until the 10th week. 2 weeks after discontinuing steroid use, the user will take a 20/50mg split of clomid and nolvadex every day for 4 weeks

29 years old
72" tall
220 pounds
20% body fat

made my order this morning, can't wait to get started. wanting everyone thoughts on this cycle
Test only ay 500 - 600 mgs/week for a first cycle is more than enough.
Masteron is NOT an AI, it may have estro blocking abilities but no where near enough to be used as a sole AI. Get some Adex or aromasin
Your using Anadrol which will more than likely bloat you right out and using Masteron, thats a little counter productive unless your diet is 100% spot on which I doubt as 99.9 percent of people's are not on their first cycle

So basically drop the anadrol and materon, extend the cycle to 12-14 weeks, use hcg and an AI from day 1, eat like a pig, train like a madman, sleep like a baby and enjoy the gains
Test only ay 500 - 600 mgs/week for a first cycle is more than enough.
Masteron is NOT an AI, it may have estro blocking abilities but no where near enough to be used as a sole AI. Get some Adex or aromasin
Your using Anadrol which will more than likely bloat you right out and using Masteron, thats a little counter productive unless your diet is 100% spot on which I doubt as 99.9 percent of people's are not on their first cycle

So basically drop the anadrol and materon, extend the cycle to 12-14 weeks, use hcg and an AI from day 1, eat like a pig, train like a madman, sleep like a baby and enjoy the gains

I should be a bit clearer completely my fault I've already done a test only cycle everything went well blood work came back perfect after pct. I have adex on hand thanks for the info.....if you have more please share I'm all ears. thx again
If you really want a kicker then the anadrol is fine but ya like they said, you don't need mast or any extra compounds first time. 600mg/wk is a great first cycle and you'll be happy you saved some money on the mast.
If you're running mast and test e use anavar or winny for your tabs if you choose any. I'd recommend
Week 1-10 mast prop 100mg eod
Week 1-14 test e 600mg ew
Week 10-14 winny or anavar 50mg ed
Adex and hCG all the way through and clomid/nolva PCT
If you're running mast and test e use anavar or winny for your tabs if you choose any. I'd recommend
Week 1-10 mast prop 100mg eod
Week 1-14 test e 600mg ew
Week 10-14 winny or anavar 50mg ed
Adex and hCG all the way through and clomid/nolva PCT

I can't mess with winny to rough on the joints i used to jump out of planes with the military and the knees are not in the greatest shape
If you're running mast and test e use anavar or winny for your tabs if you choose any. I'd recommend
Week 1-10 mast prop 100mg eod
Week 1-14 test e 600mg ew
Week 10-14 winny or anavar 50mg ed
Adex and hCG all the way through and clomid/nolva PCT

I can't mess with winny to rough on the joints i used to jump out of planes with the military and the knees are not in the greatest shape. and with that, i was leaning towards the anadrol for a little water retention to support my joints and a kick start for everything.
What would you like out of this cycle? Mast is typically in a cutting cyc and anadrol is typically in bulk
What would you like out of this cycle? Mast is typically in a cutting cyc and anadrol is typically in bulk

I've read mast goes either way but i mostly picked it cause it does not aromatize, I'm not really looking to bulk a lot rather then to become more defined. honestly looking for all around improvements, so i guess i could say a little bit off both
Fair enough, you'll drop the water weight from anadrol fast anyways so good luck with your cycle/goals!