First Cycle - Changes while cutting


New member
I am about to start my first cycle and have been researching constantly on all areas of Steroid use. I would like some advice from people on this forum who may be able to give me some guidance. I am completely new to this so any advice will be really appreciated.

I have been training for about 5 years on and off but have been training properly since the start of 2017.

My aim - Cutting

Height - 5,7
Weight - 11 stone 11 pounds

I have lost about two stone in 10 months or so from constantly training, diet and nutrition.
I have been advised from close family, friends and acquaintances from my local gym to start with this course while eating a balanced diet.

1 Anavar per day
1 Winstrol per day
1 mil of Testprop every other day

Once finished the Anavar - One mil of Tren every other day

General diet ( Keto )
Training 4-5 times a week including 1-2KM run after every training session

Mon - Fri

Breakfast - 4 - 6 Eggs scrambled ( No sauce ) - 1 Cup of coffee with a dash of milk
Lunch - Chicken salad with mayo and cheese
Dinner - Fish / Chicken - with veg

2 Litres of water per day
Odd glass of Fresh Orange juice

Now after looking at all steroids online and diets I basically want to know the following questions -

1 - Are the above steroids going help me lose that final bit of puppy fat and cut me? Or do I need to introduce and additional steroid or lose one of the above?
2 - Do I need to change my diet ( keto ) while using steroids? I have been advised to eat more meals a day and introduce carbs?
3 - Do I need to take supplements for my breasts? Also is it worth taking Milk thistle alongside the cycle to help my liver while taking oral steroids?
4 - Any other advice while running my first cycle will be greatly appreciated?

For the love of god and your health do not do that cycle as your first cycle!... omg!... dude your going to hurt yourself and wind up seeing an endocrinologist!.. which in turn he’s going to bitch slap the piss out of you for doing that to yourself!...
your asking a lot and I’m sure most will just flip out on you and give you a teaching here and there... but the short answer is:
You do not use anabolics to cut fat!.. and if you can work out 5 times a week and nutrient time all your meals you will cut fat down to where you genetically can’t loose anymore some is 17% down to 13%.
Tren is a roid that is only for people that compete and a very experienced user that knows his body inside and out, I have done 7 cycles and on my 8th and I wouldn’t dare touch it ever!... the side effects can be absolutely terrible!!!!... don’t use it! Lean down with diet, and drink way more water 4-5 litres a day!... the water will help lean you out. For cutting fat Keto is ok but your going to muscle waist at the same time, but that’s how it is on Keto, I know first hand.... will you get lean?... yes!.. but “you gonna be small!”
Once your pretty lean and you can see your abs then start with a beginners cycle of test only with some HCG and a good Ai. Learn how your body reacts, then take it from there, you can make good gains on test only, I know I did.... your second cycle can be test with an oral or Masteron and don’t forget estrogen control with a good Ai.
Cheers and I’m sure others will have something to add.
Best of luck!
Don't use tren w/o test! Add some aerobic activity after every workout treadmill etc. Don't depend on gear to cut the extra fat, AAS will help you hold muscle though.
You are missing many of the basic building blocks of a cycle here, and proposing steroids you don't need and shouldn't use.

You need to figure out:

1. Duration you are going to take the roids
2. Length of time after last shot until you start PCT
3. PCT drugs and duration
4. HCG use
5. Aromatase Inhibitor - AI use

Those are the bare bones basics, and what you listed is missing all of them. Next you should do just testosterone for the first time. And you might want to think about using test enanthate instead of prop so you can cut injections to twice per week vs 3.5x per week.

I've personally got no issue with the anavar, but really you should wait until you have some experience first. Winny in your situation would be near useless. Tren would be a massive mistake.
Thanks mate, thats the advice I need.
I have now got to a stage where I feel small. I have lost loads of weight but want some more muscle now.
Ill forget tren then and maybe start first cycle with Testprop and HCG then.
Do I need to increase food intake?

Thanks mate
Beginner cycle sticky.
Need test c or e......hcg.....and an ai. I like anastrozole. The only other compounds are in your pct. Read up and ask if you still have questions

And yes please.....increase above maintenance cals with clean food. And enjoy;)
Test prop is a short esther, that means you will need to pin yourself every other or every third day, omg!... pain in the ass!...
I would use Test enthanate you pin once a week, done!.. the difference between test prop and test enth is how fast they absorb, besides the absorption rate it all does the same thing.
A good beginner cycle would be:
Test E 250mg at 1ml once a week
Hcg 500iu once to twice a week (some consider this optional till p.c.t. or o.c.t.)
Aromisin and Nolvadex (as Ai)
You want to see how your body responds to this, and adjust accordingly, once you have got past this point and ran thru this cycle and made it past the point of full recovery in pct, then you can think about stacki some orals in maybe next time or add another injectable like Masteron or EQ.
But the most important part is to learn how your body responds, everyone is a bit different and some people really respond differently.
The most important part is to learn estrogen control, you need to figure out how to be able to do cycles with zero side effects and maximum keepable growth.

Thanks mate, thats the advice I need.
I have now got to a stage where I feel small. I have lost loads of weight but want some more muscle now.
Ill forget tren then and maybe start first cycle with Testprop and HCG then.
Do I need to increase food intake?

Thanks mate
Ok my friends before my post have mentioned All of the basic information. I can tell by your Q's that you really don't know much at all in regard to AAS and so you need to read up more.

No offence by what I said but truthful. Take a look at all the sticky s and as was mentioned Google some info. There is a lot if good information out there , just look everything up, read O'logy and as you did ask more Q's.
Glad you're on board.

PS: re: the Tren is way far off for you. Test !
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Hows the reading up doing op? did you figure out You need to figure out:

1. Duration you are going to take the roids
2. Length of time after last shot until you start PCT
3. PCT drugs and duration
4. HCG use
5. Aromatase Inhibitor - AI use?

like Tankmanbob said above?