First Cycle Clarification


New member
Hey Guys,

I am a newbie to the game and I am prepared for a little trolling, but I figured yall are the go to guys for information that I am potentially going to need. Before I start I'll tell you my stats.
I am
187 lbs

My initial goal for this cycle is really to drop body fat percentage. I don't mind gaining weight because I am on the lanky side. I've been training a little over 4 years I have gained a good 40lbs within those 4 years both good and bad weight of course.


Down to my cycle. I was thinking just a basic test e cycle 250 mgs twice a week for a good 10 weeks. I am willing to push to 12 if necessary I have my AI, Nolvadex, Clomed and HCG on hand already. My main question is though is what mgs should I be running with the nolvadex and clomid. I see other people's cycles and I usually see it like this

weeks 1-10- test e 250 mgs 2x a week
week 3 - 10- 250 iu of hcg 2x a week
weeks 12- 14- 40 mgs per day nolvadex
weeks 14- 16- 20 mgs nolvadex

If yall can tune up my cycle I would really appreciate it. Along with telling me if the mgs of nolvdex are good enough and I know I didn't put the comid down that's really where I need help with.

Thanks Yall.

Thank you for that.

I saw austintines post, but when they say something like 40/30/20/20 is that like the days or is that weeks of the mgs. Stupid question i know.
how old are you?

also, when you see 40/40/20/20 it means 40mg every day for that week, so 40mg per day for 2 weeks, then 2 weeks of 20mg
So your main goal of tge cycle is to drop BF%?

What is your body fat? You know at higher bf you have more aromatase enzymes which make controlling e2 a little tougher.

You should use diet and training to get BF down not gear.

Gear just makes recovery easier and better tge diet it what makes or breaks you. Check out the diet section and do some reading.
Cutting bf with gear is possible,, but usually not for a first timer cycle. Last time I planned a bit of a cut to get down to single digit bf% I used a low dose of test and hi dose of Primobolan, the plan there being that I could stay just anabolic enough to maintain the muscle mass I gained while going on a calorie deficit to cut.. When you want to loose BF you have to diet and go in a calorie deficit and you loose some muscle along with that (but it is possible with gear and the right diet and training to cut and maintain or possibly build muscle at the same time)

I think you could accomplish your goal, and gear could help, but definitely with that goal your diet and training will have to be spot on
I am around 14% body fat im really just trying to drop down to around 10%. In all honesty im not really looking for the whole shredded look lol.
I am around 14% body fat im really just trying to drop down to around 10%. In all honesty im not really looking for the whole shredded look lol.

You could prob do that with proper training and diet in a very short time naturally... But Doing so while on a cycle will help you recover, help with protein synthesis, help with nitrogen retention and building muscle. U may be able to drop a little bf %, if at the end of cycle your goal is not meant just do a full on cut to reach the 10%
You could prob do that with proper training and diet in a very short time naturally... But Doing so while on a cycle will help you recover, help with protein synthesis, help with nitrogen retention and building muscle. U may be able to drop a little bf %, if at the end of cycle your goal is not meant just do a full on cut to reach the 10%

Well I wanna be able to gain some weight with it as well. I've been eating around 4000 calories a day some good and some bad just trying to stay as clean as possible. Initial goal around 205-210 between 10-12 bf%. I am an ectomorph and I have struggled to gain weight. I still plan on doing this all cause practically all of it was given to me.
Like I've said before, you may want to extended the cycle, past 12 weeks. Think about it, its gonna take 6 weeks to kick in...
It looks like you're on your way to a good first cycle.

Some people say start with a 10 week cycle and some say 12... I would personally
go with 12 if everything is going smooth which I think will the way you're planning it.

If I remember correctly I noticed gains on week 6 - and week 7 is was when I really started
to see things happen... it just improved each week after.

The extra two weeks really get you off to a nice start - but once you are in your 2nd cycle
those two weeks really won't matter.

I think it was in weeks 8-10 when people I knew were asking me how much I was working out
and what I was taking... I still say protein and creatine. :D

Welcome to the forum... Keep us posted!