First Cycle, d-bol, test-e


New member
Hi, here are my stats
20 yo
3 years training experience
bf around 10%

This would be my first cycle and was wondering what you guys thought of this cycle, would appreciate all advise! i have researched a fair bit over the last few months and would like to finally run a cycle -
week 1-4 25mg dbol
week 1-10 500mg test e(250 pinned twice a week)
week 12-16 40/20/20/20 nolva
week 12-16 100/50/50/50 clomid
Sorry bro...too young...we will not give advice to someone who is too young...
Read the stickies and stick around and read and learn...
Maybe when ur 23 try this again...but better to wait till 24.
Sorry bro...kind of board rules..."we do not advocate the use of AAS to anyone under 23 years of age"