First Cycle-Do i got right?


New member
Hi ,

I'm new to this forum and i'm pretty sure there are a lot of guys over there who really knows this stuff.I'm thinking to try anabolics and after hours of research i came up with this.Let me know, please what do you think:
Week 1-12 : 500 mg Testosterone enanthate
Week 1-4 : 20mg/day Dianabol
Week 13 : off
Week 14-18:Nolvadex 20 mg/Day
Week 14-17:Aromasin 20mg/Day
Week 14-16:HCG 2000iu/every 4 days
Vitamin E 1000iu/day
Also are any of you living in Atlanta,Georgia area or know somebody who is willing to share his knowledge with me?I guess you got it.

Run the dbol higher if you want. Id do at least 25. You have your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on the wrong weeks. You should start it right after your last shot of test and stop it BEFORE you start Nolva. For the first week or 2 of the nolva i used 40 then dropped to 20 for the last 2 week.
Almost had it but some things off. Will re-lay it out for you. Forget the dbol first cycle.
If you do run it get some liv.52 as well.

1-12 500mg test
1-end of cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) aromasin 12.5mg ed.

After the last pin of test, run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 500iu ED for 10 days, then start post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days later.

post cycle therapy (pct), nolva 40/40/20/20 (don't forget to continue taking the aromasin, 12.5mg ed.)
Ok guys ,after your input i decided to do some changes:

Week 1-12 :500 mg Testosterone enanthate/250 mg twice a week
1 mg Arimidex EOD
Week 1-4 : 25 mg D/bol(optional)
liv 52
Week 2-12 : 250iu HCG/twice a week

Week 13-14 : off

Week 15-18 : Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 20/20/20/20

Let me know what do you think.Thanks a lot.
need to do a blast phase of HCG....starting the day after last pin of test, run 500-1000iu ED for 10 days, take 4 days off then start your pct. Also start taking the liv 52 a couple weeks before you start the dbol and you're gonna want to get some taurine for back pumps, if your dbol is good, you'll def get some.
Arimidex you can cut down to .25 to .5 mg EOD. Run HCG right up to post cycle therapy (pct) at 250iu twice a week.