First cycle - feedback please


New member
Hi folks. Got my gear together. Was hoping for some feedback on my first cycle.

6'0" ~260 lbs 28-30% bf 30 yrs old

Will be eating @ net deficit of 500 cals/day.

Week 1-4 - 20mg Dbol
Weeks 1-10 - 1ml/week T-400
Weeks 12-14 - Clomid (100mg/day week 12, 50mg/day weeks 13-14)
Weeks 1-14 - Anatrozole 0.25mg/day

Had gyno in puberty - had surgery. Weighed over 350 in 2009, so I'm doing alright. If anything, just looking to confirm that I've got everything in order.

I would wait a bit on the cycle and lose some bf first. I would run the test out to 12 weeks and leave the dbol off the first cycle personally. I would get with 3j before you start to get your diet down and help get your bodyfat down. Best of luck
I would wait a bit on the cycle and lose some bf first. I would run the test out to 12 weeks and leave the dbol off the first cycle personally. I would get with 3j before you start to get your diet down and help get your bodyfat down. Best of luck

Agree 100 percent. Especially since you have had gyno before, even after surgery you can still get it again. The higher the bf the more conversion to estrogen you will have. Also, dbol aromatizes a shit-ton. If you decide to go forward anyways def get with 3J on your diet, drop the dbol, and be very aggressive with your AI.
Drop body fat with diet first. If you learn what your body needs to cut from diet then you will know exactly what is needed to gain lean muscle. You will probably be 190 to 200 lbs before you reach the 12% BF to start a cycle then gain a lean 10 lbs mass and you will be amazed at the difference.

This will teach you the proper way to eat on cycle and also post cycle to maximize your gains. If you use any of that gear right now you are throwing every penny of your money down the drain.
yeah, you are not gonna like to hear it... but you need to fix that diet before you even think about jumping on cycle