First Cycle Helladrol


New member
This will be my first cycle, need to know it im good to go or if i should make some changes..

On Cycle:
1-6 Hella 50/75/75/75/75/75
1-6 N2guard (would 2 bottles be recommended or lower dose to 5 to make 6 weeks?)

7-10 Torem 90/60/60/30
7-10 Unleashed/Post cycle combo

I was debating on grabbing a bottle of forma stanzol and running 1-10. Would this be recommended?

Also have whey and creatine I will be taking also.
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You should add a test base like Transaderm and your unleashed/post cycle won't last 4 weeks if you use as directed, you should look into buying 2 of each. For the Forma, it's always recommended to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.
Is it not advised to just take 1 serving ed of unleashed/postcycle?
And for the forma, do I use as needed, 2 weeks in till end, all 10 weeks?
Is it not advised to just take 1 serving ed of unleashed/postcycle?
And for the forma, do I use as needed, 2 weeks in till end, all 10 weeks?

If you use as directed; Unleashed is 2 servings for 1 week followed by 1 serving for 3 weeks and Post Cycle is 2 servings for 4 weeks.

2-10 for the Forma is good. I was going to do 3-10 but decided to switch it out with Transaderm which contains estrogen blockers in its formula. So there is really no need for the Forma on my cycle besides Hella doesn't aromatize but it is always good to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand.