First Cycle, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) NECESSARY?


New member

Whats up everyone? Long time lurker first time poster. Wanted to share my plan for my first cycle (won't be buying/starting until end of the month but figured I'd share beforehand so I can get any feedback).


82.5 kilos
6.02% bf
20 Y.O
6 years training
Extremely clean diet for just over a year (nothin but fuel)

My plan is as follows:

Test enanthate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday type of thing)
Clomid 50 mg everyday for 4 week post cycle therapy (pct).

I'm undecided on whether or not I should run HCG, or whether it should be done during cycle, or blast until start of post cycle therapy (pct), I've read a lot of mixed opinions. Thanks for any help/advice anyone has to offer

hCG should be ran throughout your entire cycle.

You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well to be ran throughout your entire cycle.

PCT looks a little weak, I would recommend adding Nolvadex.
Oh shit, my bad, I just forgot to include it. Wasn't referring to anything in post, simply going off of memory. Plan was weeks 1-12 Aromasin 6.5mg ED, though I'm contemplating upping that after the first two weeks. What's your opinion on that?

Would you suggest running the Nolvadex at the same rate as the clomid?

For clarification, my questions regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) stem from the apparent lack of necessity due to the fact that I'm running simply test e. Like I said, I've been in a lot of threads where some people say that for a first cycle it isn't necessary, or it's actually counter intuitive with that kind of cycle and can lead to shutdown of natural production. I've also seen some people who say it should be blasted at the end, others say taken throughout, though everyone seems to agree that it should not be both.

Thanks a lot for the feedback brother, much appreciated!
Truthfully, you're too young to cycle. The last thing you want to do is shut down your natural production.

If you want your wiener to work whenever you come off cycle, I would suggest you do HCG. Obviously you're going to cycle no matter what people say so the best advice we can give you is advice that will benefit you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be taken throughout the cycle not blasted at the end.

I would say 6.5 is an okay place to start but about a month in you need to get lab work done to check your E2 levels to make sure you're controlling them within a good range. You don't want zero estrogen or a ton of it.

I think clomid only PCT is okay but I think you should do 100/100/50/50mg.
Oh shit, my bad, I just forgot to include it. Wasn't referring to anything in post, simply going off of memory. Plan was weeks 1-12 Aromasin 6.5mg ED, though I'm contemplating upping that after the first two weeks. What's your opinion on that?

Would you suggest running the Nolvadex at the same rate as the clomid?

For clarification, my questions regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) stem from the apparent lack of necessity due to the fact that I'm running simply test e. Like I said, I've been in a lot of threads where some people say that for a first cycle it isn't necessary, or it's actually counter intuitive with that kind of cycle and can lead to shutdown of natural production. I've also seen some people who say it should be blasted at the end, others say taken throughout, though everyone seems to agree that it should not be both.

Thanks a lot for the feedback brother, much appreciated!

6.5 ED of Aromasin is pretty low. I would start off at 12.5mg ED and go from there.

I would recommend Clomid: 100/50/50/50, Nolva:40/40/20/20.

It may be a simple Test-E cycle, but you will be shutdown completely, so you are better off using hCG for the duration of your cycle.
6.5 ED of Aromasin is pretty low. I would start off at 12.5mg ED and go from there.

I would recommend Clomid: 100/50/50/50, Nolva:40/40/20/20.

It may be a simple Test-E cycle, but you will be shutdown completely, so you are better off using hCG for the duration of your cycle.

Would you say stop when I stop the test, or continue until post cycle therapy (pct)? As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes I've read a lot of people starting at 6.5 ED and upping to 12.5 ED around the two week kind of range. You would say no point in that, just go straight to the 12.5? Thanks a lot.
Truthfully, you're too young to cycle. The last thing you want to do is shut down your natural production.

If you want your wiener to work whenever you come off cycle, I would suggest you do HCG. Obviously you're going to cycle no matter what people say so the best advice we can give you is advice that will benefit you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be taken throughout the cycle not blasted at the end.

I would say 6.5 is an okay place to start but about a month in you need to get lab work done to check your E2 levels to make sure you're controlling them within a good range. You don't want zero estrogen or a ton of it.

I think clomid only PCT is okay but I think you should do 100/100/50/50mg.

Thanks for the input, "too young" comment noted. I was expecting that and am of course aware of the general consensus that the magic number is 23, if I'm not mistaking? Thank you for not being a prick about it. As far as the getting estrogen levels checked, I was planning on getting my doctor to check my test/est levels prior to going on, though I wasn't entirely sure how to go about getting checked during/after? I see that you're in Kentucky and of course the laws would be different, but is there generally an issue with confronting your doctor about this? I've asked friends who study medicine/have parents in the medical field, ect., as well as just tried researching online, and have come up with mixed responses. I have no problem at all being open about it, as I am obviously in no way ashamed. I just wouldn't want to have her A) Contact authorities or B) No longer see me as a regular patient.

Thanks a lot!
Would you say stop when I stop the test, or continue until post cycle therapy (pct)? As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) goes I've read a lot of people starting at 6.5 ED and upping to 12.5 ED around the two week kind of range. You would say no point in that, just go straight to the 12.5? Thanks a lot.

Up until post cycle therapy (pct). And yes I would say just start at the higher dose.