First cycle, ideas and advice. Need help


New member
Alright everyone I know the judgement I'm going to get from everyone for this but I need some help. I've been lifting for a long time, meal prep on point, yada yada, decided to try a cycle. I went into it with almost no research like an idiot and trust my buddy to get me my stuff and give direction. Here's what I'm at

Test E 250mg twice a week 500mg total

Dbol I actually don't know the dosage but took that everyday for 6 weeks or so and just stopped last week.

Anastrozole .5 mg every 2 days

I have an extremely fast metabolism, good genetics, and pretty decent physique I've always been told before I started my cycle. So an old trainer of mine approached me and wanted me to do a physique competition about 3 weeks ago. He's put a lot of athletes on stage so I took it that he knew what he was talking about. He told me he wanted me to run EQ for about 6-8 weeks to help me bulk up. So... I listened and jumped on EQ about 3 weeks ago

EQ 250mg twice a week 500mg total a week

He also said at the time when I was about 4 weeks out he wanted me to switch to test P, tren, anavar, winny, and clen to dry me out for the stage. Which seemed like way way too much and overboard. At that point I realized I needed some help.

As of right now I'm just on the test E, EQ, and anastrozole but I'm noticing some gyno build up I believe. Sensitivity under my right nipple. Can't tell if it's the muscle tissue I'm feeling or the gyno, or if I'm just being a bitch.

Lastly, I've put on about 15-20 pounds so far on the cycle. Haven't really bloated at all. Checked my bf% and I'm still sitting at the same as when I started. No mood changes or any side effects at all other than the possible gyno.

I already know how fucking stupid it was of me to do all this without research and I don't need that guilt speech. I'm already worrying enough about how bad I'm fucking my body up right now possibly.

Please help where you can / give advice.
Welcome, youve given us alot of info but no personal stats, please share your age, weight, bf%. cycle history etc. etc.
have you thought of doing the simple thing and going and getting blood work done? if you think your developing gyno then go get your e2 levels checked and adjust from there.

as for running the var, tren, winny, and clen pre contest ,, none of those things aromatize and convert to estrogen . your probably running too much test and not enough AI. but blood work will tell the tell
What a fvcking idiot your so called friends are. Also this coach isn't in this for you at all. SO we got all that down as you admitted and it is good that you might pass on the advice for the others to do research for themselves. Welcome to O'logy :wavey: No bro-science on this site .

Stats please....... will help you get better advice from our knowledgeable members n vets.

Get the BW done ASAP. You can do this yourself without a doctor. Private Med Labs is who any of us use.
So I'm 6'1 sitting at 208 pounds as of yesterday. Roughly 12% body fat I would guess. When my buddy comes back from vacation the clinic he works at has a machine that calculates bf% and water retention and lots of other things.

This is my first cycle ever so no cycle history

I wasn't sure where I could do blood work so I'll look into that at this point.

Any advice on if I should add anything to the cycle or take anything away? I read EQ is almost useless when taken for less than 10 weeks or so
Google Private Med Labs to do your own BW...

Really get that done ASAP no matter what....
Now that you gave us your stats and when you get that BW you can be helped by the board here much better.
how much test and ai are you currently running ? how many weeks you been on that and the EQ
It's all in the post.

About 8 weeks into
250mg twice a week test E
.5 mg anastrozole every 2 days

3-4 weeks into
EQ 250 mg twice week
Slow your roll. Stick with your original cycle. Don't do the contest. All those compounds are way too much for a newbie. Get bloodwork