Skinny Weaknesson
New member
So here's my history
First experience with PEDs was freshman year of highschool when a senior gave me some andro 100 poppers and told me to take them.... didn't know what they really were. Just chewed on one before training every day. Dunno if its related but exactly at this time I stopped growing
Then come senior year of high school and freshman year of college I did 7-8 cycles of superdrol using OTC 'PCT' after wards. Also one of phera-plex and one of halodrol. Don't know if any of those are still around today. Terrible sides, nver kept gains.
Probably related to the superdrol I got some bad gyno which I tried to fix with a masteron prop only cycle in the spring of 2008. 8 weeks of masteron prop and then did 40/40/20/20 of nolva to come off. Really liked the masteron, but obviously this was another really dumb cycle.
Then we have Spring 2011 I did 12 weeks of test at 500mg a week finished off with 150/150/50/50 of Clomid and 40/40/20/20 of Nolva
Consider this to be my only real cycle, the only one that was reasonably intelligent. The Nolva/clomid combo this time finally got rid of the pain in my gyno. Its slowly creeping back which is annoying. I don't care about how it looks, but the pain sucks
BF probably about 13-16%. I got hydrostatic weighing about a year ago and they said 14% so I'm really happy with that. I have almost visible abs but because I compete in powerlifting (non-drug tested, not trying to cheat system) and have a power belly I look really fat with a shirt on (37'' waist). I'd probably lose some weight before cycling, the idea of 'priming' I actually really liked. Found it really effective last time, probably get down to 205 or 210.
Proposed cycle
Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
Weeks 1-4 Dbol 30mg/day. Curious on dose because of all the superdrol experiences. I want to gain some mass and I'm not so afraid of the water retention, just scared of the lipid trauma Sdrol gave me. I think Dbol shouldn't be as bad though because it can convert to estrogen?
Weeks 1-12 Adex .5mg every other day. Didn't do this last time, but I'm getting more and more convinced its a good idea
2 weeks after last pin
Clomid 150/150/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I know its a fairly simple one, does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot for your time bros
First experience with PEDs was freshman year of highschool when a senior gave me some andro 100 poppers and told me to take them.... didn't know what they really were. Just chewed on one before training every day. Dunno if its related but exactly at this time I stopped growing
Then come senior year of high school and freshman year of college I did 7-8 cycles of superdrol using OTC 'PCT' after wards. Also one of phera-plex and one of halodrol. Don't know if any of those are still around today. Terrible sides, nver kept gains.
Probably related to the superdrol I got some bad gyno which I tried to fix with a masteron prop only cycle in the spring of 2008. 8 weeks of masteron prop and then did 40/40/20/20 of nolva to come off. Really liked the masteron, but obviously this was another really dumb cycle.
Then we have Spring 2011 I did 12 weeks of test at 500mg a week finished off with 150/150/50/50 of Clomid and 40/40/20/20 of Nolva
Consider this to be my only real cycle, the only one that was reasonably intelligent. The Nolva/clomid combo this time finally got rid of the pain in my gyno. Its slowly creeping back which is annoying. I don't care about how it looks, but the pain sucks
BF probably about 13-16%. I got hydrostatic weighing about a year ago and they said 14% so I'm really happy with that. I have almost visible abs but because I compete in powerlifting (non-drug tested, not trying to cheat system) and have a power belly I look really fat with a shirt on (37'' waist). I'd probably lose some weight before cycling, the idea of 'priming' I actually really liked. Found it really effective last time, probably get down to 205 or 210.
Proposed cycle
Weeks 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
Weeks 1-4 Dbol 30mg/day. Curious on dose because of all the superdrol experiences. I want to gain some mass and I'm not so afraid of the water retention, just scared of the lipid trauma Sdrol gave me. I think Dbol shouldn't be as bad though because it can convert to estrogen?
Weeks 1-12 Adex .5mg every other day. Didn't do this last time, but I'm getting more and more convinced its a good idea
2 weeks after last pin
Clomid 150/150/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I know its a fairly simple one, does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot for your time bros