First Cycle, Just thought i would contribute

500 Test E 1- 12
50 Win 7-12

standard pct.

Pre picture never done a cycle.

View attachment 559963

What are your stats
age, height, weight and bf% training history?

Your not using a AI? How about HCG? what's your standard pct?

Pre, mid and post pct blood work?

You need more research before you cycle. First cycle should be test only.

Read this the whole thing ok? Then come back with a plan.
46 6' 250lbs, 30 + years 5 days a week. bf sorry don't know.

Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20 is what ill run.
Are you running the cycle now?

Did you get pre cycle blood work?

Is the winny oral or injectable?

Are you using an AI or have one on hand?
Did you read the link above?

You need an aromatase inhibitor on cyvle to control e2 (estradiol) levels test aromatizes into estrogen. You will have all kinds of issues without it. It is a must. The link rui carries it liquid adex. A starting dose is .5mg eod. Then when you get blood work half way through you can adjust dosage.

You also need a liver supplement for the oral.
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Most people think we all have access to doctor's and labs and bank accounts that can monitor our progress. . it just does not work that way. yes there are risks but like owning a business that's the price we pay!