First Cycle Log - Z-Line Test 500mg a week

Week 15 Update

Last week of cycle before PCT starts. Will start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast 10 days after last shot and will carry on for 10 days (or until Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) runs out). Then on to Nolva and Clomid. Will still carry on log til the end.

Ending weight: 223 (Starting 204.5 - net of 18.5)

However, appetite has died in last couple of days. Also, libido not as much. Anyone have insights?

NICE LOG BROTHER, i am interested to see how much wait u keep on after post cycle therapy (pct). keep us posted. good cycle bro, sounds like it did what it was supposed to

Posted on the main board, but will post here. In addition, libido has decreased some.

So, just finished my first cycle of test-e and loved it. About to start PCT next week.

Overall, everything went great, with the exception of one thing....something I would like to pass along to newbies.

I have been training on and off for a long time, but the OVERTRAINING during my first cycle held back further gains and has now set me back a little.

Please, this is not due to the test, but my deciation and addiction to the gym.

Every week, I was doing 12-15 sets for biceps with heavy ass weights and now my bicep tendonitis has returned.

Also, we had a firedrill at work where I had to go down a bunch of stairs. I decided to take the stairs back up, and man were my knees in pain. This is due to 15 sets of heavy squats week after week.

So, next time, less will be more for me.

For the pros/veterans on this board:

I plan to take at least two weeks off of the gym (it will kill me, but don't want to make the injuy worse), but other than rest, anything else for bicep tendonitis? Forget wraps, and braces, etc.

My biceps constantly feel sore.
START OF post cycle therapy (pct) PORTION OF LOG

Just started post cycle therapy (pct) yesterday. Clomid 50 a day for 4 weeks and Nolva at 20/20/10/10/10/10.

Will update from time to time.

Took last week off from the gym due to bicep tendonitis. Will take another off as well. Tough on my mind and it kills me, but have to do it to recover.
Best of luck in your recovery, I hope it doesn't take too much of a toll on you and you still keep most of your gains. Do you still at least get in a leg day or two?
Really impressed with your progress, keep it up! Its unfortunate you have to experience a bit of down time but better a few 2 weeks that 2 months+ recovering take all the time you need! Looking forward to future results!
So, PCT is in full swing and don't know what to think. My mood has been affected, but nothing too bad. However, I have been having strange dreams. Not bad dreams, just strange. Strange enough to keep me from getting a full night's rest. Wonder if the PCT has somenthing to do with it.

In the gym yesterday for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Biceps still acting up. Think I have to stop training back for a month to limit my biceps movement.
First cycle and dbol

Nice log dude. Do u think that the weight gain was from the test or the dbol? It seemed like you platued out then went on the dbol for an extra kick. 18.5 lbs is good for a first cycle. What are you thinking about doing for your next cycle?
Great Log, Going to Run Test and Dbol for first cycle as well. Did the Dbol give you any problems with getting a full nights sleep?
Hey how's it going, wondering how you're coming along on post cycle therapy (pct)? Has the legs gotten any better?
Hey how's it going, wondering how you're coming along on post cycle therapy (pct)? Has the legs gotten any better?

Thanks for checking in. Legs are fine now, but the bicep tendonitis has spread to my shoulder. Affects me when I work chest is that bad.

Looks like I will have to do cardio for the next month to allow my arm and shoulder to heal.

For the d-bol question, I cannot state for certain if most of the gains came from the d-bol or test. I do know I contaminated the results (test group) since I added d-bol to my cycle.

However, given that I really felt the test kick in shortly thereafter and I still have most of the gains weeks after stopping the d-bol, I feel comfortable stating that the d-bol helped the test gains that kicked in.

I did wait long enough to see what sides I may get from test before adding d-bol.

PCT: Switched to taking it before bed. Better sleep, better mood, and no more weird dreams.
That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that I'm dealing with tendinitis/nerve damage in my left wrist after surgery (sept 9th) myself so I know how it feels... I'd absolutely advise the time off, possibly head in to an orthepedic doctor to get yourself looked at even further, that's not sounding too right... At least you made your gains before all of this occurred. :)

Thanks for checking in. Legs are fine now, but the bicep tendonitis has spread to my shoulder. Affects me when I work chest is that bad.

Looks like I will have to do cardio for the next month to allow my arm and shoulder to heal.

For the d-bol question, I cannot state for certain if most of the gains came from the d-bol or test. I do know I contaminated the results (test group) since I added d-bol to my cycle.

However, given that I really felt the test kick in shortly thereafter and I still have most of the gains weeks after stopping the d-bol, I feel comfortable stating that the d-bol helped the test gains that kicked in.

I did wait long enough to see what sides I may get from test before adding d-bol.

PCT: Switched to taking it before bed. Better sleep, better mood, and no more weird dreams.
One other update -This past week, I added clen to my post cycle therapy (pct). Intent was to allow me to continue eating like I was on cycle without adding too much fat.

Well, clen is some serious shit. Thinking of stopping already. At 80MG, my hands started shaking, and I started feeling weird - as in my head was in a vice.

I guess I see why many hate it.
OK guys. Today was my first day back in the gym with weights after taking a month off due to my bicep tendonitis. Good news is that my bicep tendonitis seems healed. Been doing nothing but cardio during this time.

Bad news? Man, where the heck did my strength go? Went to work on chest today and could barely handle 70lbs on incline dumbbell press. Usually handle 100s. Anyway, hope muscle memory kicks in.

May decide to do machines until my routine is back in sync.

Take care.
Sounds like maybe 70's are what you may need for now, Why start throwing 100's around and risk re injury. I am sure you will ease right back into it. probably 130's a month from now.