First Cycle - low dose Test E


New member
Hi all,

I'm 24, 6,1, 195 pounds, and around 20 - 30 percent body fat (I'm unsure, but will be checking this soon). I know I should have waited a bit but after much deliberation I bought some test E and started a cycle. My goals aren't to get big by any means but to build some muscle back and cut. I've trained for the past 7 years but for the last three my training consisted of mostly maintenance due to some labrum issues - hence the fat gain and muscle loss.

I was real bummed out after my injury but for the past few months my shoulders have been pretty good and I decided to finally try out a cycle. I wanted to for a real long time, so it's a bit of a bucket list thing for me.


I'll be doing 250 mg of test E every week, once a week for 10 weeks.

For PCT I'll be doing Nolvadex 40/20/20/20.

Your 6'1" and weigh 195 lbs but your fat? Your actually pretty light for your height so not sure how that's possible. Your idea of a cycle is a big waste actually. At 250 mgs of test per week your simply shutting down your natty test levels and replacing it with a synthetic test about equal to where you are. Go read the ology faq's thread. It will shed a lot of light on what your doing wrong...
250mg is a TRT dose of Test. You should be running 250 TWO TIMES a week. IE sunday morning and wednesday afternoon.
You should extend the cycle to 12 weeks as you wont typically see gains from Test E/C until week 4-6 (depending on individual)
Most here will reccomend you also run HCG at 250IU twice a week to keep your nuts nice and plump and to make coming off your cycle much easier.
Your PCT should consist of Nolva AND Clomid. PCT should also start 2-3 weeks after your last injection (in case you didn't already know this)
You should also be taking an AI such as arimidex to combat water retention and any possible estro related side effects (such as loss of libido/erections or feeling like crap)

I reccomend reading the ology FAQS very thoroughly to get a better understanding of everything i just reccomended and why it is vital.
Also you should have done pre-cycle blood work.
You should do blood work around week 6-7 to check up on your test and estro levels and make sure everything is in range to the amount of gear your running.
Blood work 4-8 weeks after your post cycle would also be helpful to ensure you've completely "recovered".

Good luck and i hope you take mine and everyone else who comments advise.
I had a strong feeling I'd get this feedback. Thanks. I've taken one shot. If I want to come off to start up again with more knowledge - as I should have - should I wait three weeks and begin with my nolvadex?

Also, the following thread, along with my great aversion to risk, is what lead me to believe a low dose cycle may be best:
I cant comment on if you do or do not need to run the nolva in a few weeks or even at all since it was only one shot but someone else will chime in.
Judging by your pictures you need to get your diet in check and start training harder. start pushing yourself to muscle not mental failure and start eating a lot of protein and cut out all the sugar and "bad" foods and you'll be surprised how fast you'll pack on size.

Here is a TL;DR for inspiration
my bro is 22, 6'1" and WAS 235 and is now 210. After 4 months of training with me. With 0 previous lifting experience. from drinking soda and eating fast food all day to drinking a gallon of water and eating home cooked "clean" meals and the occassional diet soda. So he's leaning out, getting WAY stronger and starting to get actual muscle definition in only 4 months.
so moral of the story if you get your training and diet dialed in you'll be able to pack on real muscle and lose fat naturally and you wont be messing with your hormones.

Everyone on this board will tell you roids cant fix a bad diet or training program.
Also, the following thread, along with my great aversion to risk, is what lead me to believe a low dose cycle may be best:

No matter the dose of an exogenous hormone, your still shutting down your natural production. Hell the product "ostarine" has been shown to mildly supress natural test production. So i see no point in running a really low dose only slightly above your natty production which will shut you down for very minimal gains/effect.

I think you made a good decision stopping your cycle to gain more knowledge first.
Thanks. Also, before my injury I weighed in at 200 at 15 percent body fat. I feel as though muscle memory may play a role while I train naturally? If anyone is interested, I'll use this as a progress thread - unless there is a more suitable forum for that.
my man, youre not ready for anabolics..

you need to shape up your nutrition and training first.. steroids are not a magic pill.. they do not defy the laws of physics.. if you dont eat for your goals your goals dont happen, on or off cycle.. if you dont train correctly your goals dont happen..

i know you said you were injured.. but you need to work your way back up before trying to hop on a cycle..

you cannot look for the "quick fix"
Thanks. Do you recommend I use Nolvadex in 2 weeks or will I be able to recover without it. Also, should I expect some depression/lethargy?