First Cycle NEED ADVICE... Young Age


New member
Ok ... Suppose your 18 ... going into your Sr. of year High School .. an Athletic Scholarship is on the line ... and juice had to be done for the competitive edge (Track and Field) Where everything is based on thousandths of second and training and creating your diet to perfection ... what would anyone say would be the LEAST androgenic converting estrogen compound. I am well aware of the sides that are associated with AAS hormone use. I have been extremely educated (so i think lol) about different compounds since i was 14 from friends whos bros were IFBB's ... developing relationships with nutrition shop's employees talking about UGL's \ Pharma grade test’s ... watched the rise and fall of an UGL in my home town go scammy and the people involed arrested and then raided .. i know alot of guys at my gym who are very knowledge filled in that aspect. Aside from all that .. before you choose to judge or form a complete opinion about me or my situation, realize that im a track sprinter (100,200,400) 18 years of age, after a goal of my school record, #1 in state 400m 2012, and an athletic Scholly (In all honesty im nearly there with much potential in place). I have never taken any AAS in my past ... or PH's. I am so fucking glad i didnt, buddies of mine on our football team have been blasting 300-600mg of test PW since FRESHMAN year and staking it with all sorts of liver destroying shit ... alot of them fell into severe depression, got injured, turned to drug abuse, and are sketchy kids that unfortunately do not have a bright future I feel because the Sauce fucked them up in the head at such an early age theres no turning back physiologically. Im much older now and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that i sure as hell dont wanna look back in years to come and wished i woulda, coulda, and shoulda.

I have been weight training for 5 years, sprint training for 3 years, and have dieted up to 190lbs (for football) and dieted down 160lbs (Track) ... im no longer playing football due to my high level of track success and potential … and I enjoy it more.

I DO know the seriousness of calorie intake while training and i obtain the knowledge that consistency is the only way to accomplish anything. I Dont drink, dont smoke, Don’t party, I train harder and am more dedicated than just about anybody. I am simply looking for some advise on this stack I have created before my Fall Training starts for my track season.

Current Stats : 6’0 : 175lbs : 5-7% BF
Im Seeking Greater Endurance , Strength, and Explosion (Size and Esthetical appeal is of no concern). All which I am currently training for vigorously.


Weeks (1-8) 300mg Primobolin PW ... (OR 300mg Sustanon PW) ???
Weeks (1-6) 40mg Anavar PD ... (OR Dianabol 20-30mg PD ... nothing over 30mg) ???
Weeks (1-12) Aromasin 12.5mg PD
Weeks (1-12) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000mcg PW (500 Monday\Thursday) + Then Weeks (9-12) 1000mcg EOD
Weeks (9-12) Nolvadex 20\20\40

I am 18 and that is a fact so no-one is giving advice to a minor, IM AN ADULT.
Bro before everyone flames you, about 95% of the bros on here are gonna say hell no to you being on aas. Reason is cause yes, your to young, and you still have alot more weight to put on naturally. The best thing you could do right now is waste that money on some healthy groceries, again not flaming you, just trying to be honest in a nice way. You do sound like you have done a little research but there is never enough learning in this game! Keep up the athletic lifestyle and just wait till your time comes, whether you take this advice or not, your call at the end of the day.

Just my 2 cents
This is 1. a terrible idea because you are to young. 2. That cycle is not good for a first cycle no matter what your goals. Like i said in the previous thread you started. Test only first cycle!! Diet and training will dictate what you gain, whether its speed, size, strength, whatever. You are going to do it no matter what so I suggest this. this is a perfect beginner cycle that will get you what your looking for.

Week 1-10 test E or C 500mg every week (split into two pins)
Week 1-4 dbol 50ed(preferably split into two doses)
Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250ius twice a week (mon,thurs-500ius total)

Adex .25mg eod (or as needed, might need ed while running the dbol)
you NEED and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you dont have one

next day after last pin, run 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ed for 10 days (5000ius total)

Then begin post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin.
post cycle therapy (pct)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50
This is 1. a terrible idea because you are to young. 2. That cycle is not good for a first cycle no matter what your goals. Like i said in the previous thread you started. Test only first cycle!! Diet and training will dictate what you gain, whether its speed, size, strength, whatever. You are going to do it no matter what so I suggest this. this is a perfect beginner cycle that will get you what your looking for.

Week 1-10 test E or C 500mg every week (split into two pins)
Week 1-4 dbol 50ed(preferably split into two doses)
Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250ius twice a week (mon,thurs-500ius total)

Adex .25mg eod (or as needed, might need ed while running the dbol)
you NEED and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you dont have one

next day after last pin, run 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ed for 10 days (5000ius total)

Then begin post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days after last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin.
post cycle therapy (pct)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50

thank you for your input ... would you agree with sus instead of Test ... or just stick to the basics ?
thank you for your input ... would you agree with sus instead of Test ... or just stick to the basics ?

Dude, I think you need to read more. Sustanon (sust) is Testosterone. its just a blend of 4 different esters. which you dont need. normal is test e and test cyp.
Why start 2 different threads "extremely educated" youngster? Dbol adds water weight if u new that as a runner you wouldnt take that again havent you "researched" what your about to do? Do you want to be screwed for life with your body not making any test or very little, how do you think that will go over with your future wife or gf ?
1- 18 years old is too young
2- you're talking about sports scholarship and you added steroids in the same sentence.

not to be a dick .. but yes, is that a shocking news flash ? There used in highschool all the way up to the olimpics ... lol one of the German 100m sprinters was one of the vast amount of athletes in the 2008 games who was DQ'd for Enancing substances because after he qualified in his race ... he had urine filled waterballoon in his ass so when he goes to the restroom after the race he just pops the balloon and out comes clean piss. little did he know the Anti-doping agency watches your cock to make sure its not fake and that its your urine coming out lol. kinda supcious when the dude shits out a colored balloon.
not to be a dick .. but yes, is that a shocking news flash ? There used in highschool all the way up to the olimpics ... lol one of the German 100m sprinters was one of the vast amount of athletes in the 2008 games who was DQ'd for Enancing substances because after he qualified in his race ... he had urine filled waterballoon in his ass so when he goes to the restroom after the race he just pops the balloon and out comes clean piss. little did he know the Anti-doping agency watches your cock to make sure its not fake and that its your urine coming out lol. kinda supcious when the dude shits out a colored balloon.

What does that have to do with anything. I think that what he was meaning is that your wanting to do this for a scholarship. You know that they test for PED in college athletics right? You could get busted. Plus with enough training and how young you are you dont need aas. BTW listen to us man we have been down this road before. Dont throw all this shit into a cycle. You are probably going to do one even though we say not to. Well if you do. TEST ONLY!!! You should look into natural test boosters and other supplementation first though. Browse or look into pro hormones. BTW you spelled Olympics wrong...
What does that have to do with anything. I think that what he was meaning is that your wanting to do this for a scholarship. You know that they test for PED in college athletics right? You could get busted. Plus with enough training and how young you are you dont need aas. BTW listen to us man we have been down this road before. Dont throw all this shit into a cycle. You are probably going to do one even though we say not to. Well if you do. TEST ONLY!!! You should look into natural test boosters and other supplementation first though. Browse or look into pro hormones. BTW you spelled Olympics wrong...

No i respect what u say and trust me im not a "know it all" there is much i still need to know and only time will allow that ..i get it, i still just dont quite get the test only ... i mean theres winny,var,primo, ... shit even clen ... that arent as bad for your natrual production ... but Test is the gnarliest one that will shut you down and throw me way outta wake .. (besides some deca alone lol) .. help me understand your desire for a test only ?
No i respect what u say and trust me im not a "know it all" there is much i still need to know and only time will allow that ..i get it, i still just dont quite get the test only ... i mean theres winny,var,primo, ... shit even clen ... that arent as bad for your natrual production ... but Test is the gnarliest one that will shut you down and throw me way outta wake .. (besides some deca alone lol) .. help me understand your desire for a test only ?

IF you are willing to do a cycle use testosterone.Do not at any cost use boldenone or deca ESPECIALLY deca some steroids stay in your system for as long as two YEARS (deca).
You need to understand if you're caught for this you will lose your scholarship.Testosterone is natural in your body so once you begin post cycle therapy (pct) and start up your recovery it's all good unless they test you mid-cycle (which most likely they will test for androgen levels AND test/dhea/estrogen/progesterone/dhea metabolites) test might give it away, androgen levels in your blood will definitely give it away.To avoid this you use a low ester but since you're inexperienced and you have no doctor supervision there's noway knowing what is too low and what is too high.

Again, in the case of using steroids especially at your age AND position in all this I would only touch testosterone.If you want more gains dose it higher and up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) simple as that.Test can give the gains of really just about anything because it can convert for just about anything even if it's very low amounts. 200mg is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ish dosage for most people, 250~300mg puts most people on the high end (this is if your oils are correctly dosed).600mg gives VERY nice gains (see the sticky for 300mg vs 600mg test) anything above 600 up to 1gram gives a little bit better results but you'll need to dose much more in the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) department.

Didn't mean to come out as a dick but seriously you have to understand what you are considering here, I personally AM on scholarship at the moment and I completely understand all the consequences that come with all this.
Haven't you read the stickys? First off, Testosterone is the basis on what muscle is built. All of those you mentioned will also shut you down, not to mention are liver toxic. Test should be a base for ALL cycles. So everyone here recommends test only for a first cycle. For example, say you do a Test and Dbol cycle, remember this is all hypothetical, and you have really bad side effects. Well which one did it come from? The test or Dbol. You dont know. Say you do a test only cycle and have sides, well shit man that means it came from the test. Then the next cycle you can lower how much test you do and add in something else. Dbol Anavar (var) whatever. Deca alone cycles are equally retarded as if you dont use test youll get whats call "deca dick" meaning you wont get your dick hard without having the test in your cycle. Seriously, all you have to do is read the stickies man and it will all make sense to you. I have read them dozens of times and still learn from them. Test is a staple in cycles! Oral only cycles are terrible, not to mention you lose all your gains on them. All of those that you list will "throw you outta whack" excpet clen, because thats just a thero fat burner and will not enhance your athletic ability. Plus, this is what post cycle therapy (pct) is for. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) gets your nuts producing test again and fills them back up. Clomid and Nolvadex are SERMS and will also get your boys going again and you will be back to normal.
not to be a dick .. but yes, is that a shocking news flash ? There used in highschool all the way up to the olimpics ... lol one of the German 100m sprinters was one of the vast amount of athletes in the 2008 games who was DQ'd for Enancing substances because after he qualified in his race ... he had urine filled waterballoon in his ass so when he goes to the restroom after the race he just pops the balloon and out comes clean piss. little did he know the Anti-doping agency watches your cock to make sure its not fake and that its your urine coming out lol. kinda supcious when the dude shits out a colored balloon.

Use your god-given athletic superiority take you to the NCAA.

Then have your trainers stick needles in you.

^^at least then you can't blame your future on how 'smart' you claimed to be in the past.

Maybe I read incorrectly but pretty sure you said 'smart' and primo cycle without test in your first post.

I suggest you listen to these guys D