First Cycle NEED ADVICE... Young Age

This doesn't make any sense.....Why kill off the estrogen? It will only lead to sore joints.

He needs to train his ass off...or get off his ass

Train 3X as hard then race day will feel you can feel comfortable when everyone around you is sucking air.

If you're doing the 100m-200m then the 400m.....this is not what runners sounds like you have talent in running these when not do the 200m-400m and forget the 100m..... 100m runners never train for the 400m and vice versa.

yea exacly .. my pr's are 10.8(wind aided) 21.74 and 47.9 ... my 800 is dogshit 2:07 and thats exaclty what i need to raise in order for my 200\200 splits to be respectable towards one and other .. not getting out in a 22 flat then finishing in a 25 lol. i have a tendacy to do that because i have much more natrual 100m speed when im racing in a 400
honestly the most helpful post here, thank you ... its all about wanting that latic flushing out of your system faster .. im current on the supp Super Set and love it ... however i thought i could roll a low test cycle because the pumps wounldnt be too bad because of the low dose ... and id be training for endurance so my body would become acclimated. only thing that worries me is heart palps ... i popped 2 x 200mg caffiens before a 800\600\400\400\600\800 ladder workout ... not only was i fatiuged as fuck after just the first 100 of every sprint , but my heart was faster than a dam rabbits...
not sure how long it would stay in your system but GW-501516 is for endurance. past olympians used it and now there's a test to detect it also
honestly the most helpful post here, thank you ... its all about wanting that latic flushing out of your system faster .. im current on the supp Super Set and love it ... however i thought i could roll a low test cycle because the pumps wounldnt be too bad because of the low dose ... and id be training for endurance so my body would become acclimated. only thing that worries me is heart palps ... i popped 2 x 200mg caffiens before a 800\600\400\400\600\800 ladder workout ... not only was i fatiuged as fuck after just the first 100 of every sprint , but my heart was faster than a dam rabbits...

It would be hard to gauge your progress when you add drugs into the system.

To flush out your lactic acid is to do alot of intervals...There are three ways in which energy is produced in our muscles,aerobic,anaerobic alactic and anaerobic lactic.The aerobic energy system is where the muscles use oxygen to work.The anaerobic alactic energy system is where the muscles do not require oxygen to work and no lactic acid is produced.The anaerobic lactic energy system is where the muscles do not use oxygen and lactic acid is produced.

Making the best of Energy production
Different events require athletes to use combinations of the three energy systems.Training programs need to take into account which types of energy systems are the most important for the athlete and work to increase the capability of the specific energy systems and muscles which the athlete will need.

Track and Field Training and Coaching Information

When you're using testosterone or even a low would be the equivalent of doing your workouts and mileage to not feel any pain,but how long will you last ?
Using test will shut you down.You're already making test.

You may want to check out this book as I have it in front of me.

Encyclopedia of track & field [Book] ( From Google)
$4 online
Prentice-Hall Press (1986) - Hardback - 208 pages - ISBN 0671619152
Describes the history, rules, and training methods for running, jumping, and throwing events, identifies leading athletes in each event, and includes tips for young athletes.

Most of these running program takes 6 months of training leading to the final months of racing.It's a good book...and cheap too! The 400M program has aerobic,anaerobic alactic and anaerobic lactic running programs. Check it out.
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I maybe a little late but at 18 i was training in a gym and most there were taking AAS. So i decided that was the way forward. After asking them how much, what to take etc There advise was do your research and ask again at 23.... Unhappy about it but 5 years have passed very quick. The drive that you want to take them will get you reading about them weekly.
My Gains have be good and just resent, closing up to my 24th" they have slowed down alot now just starting my first course and them 5 years of reading forms like this, wiki and all those random websites etc have payed off i know more then most people i talk to including they guy that sold them to me. My diet is good, i have found what training works for me and what doesn't...
Results are though the roof and i put that down to knowing my stuff on AAS and knowing how my body reacts.

Just a thought for you lad
It would be hard to gauge your progress when you add drugs into the system.

To flush out your lactic acid is to do alot of intervals...There are three ways in which energy is produced in our muscles,aerobic,anaerobic alactic and anaerobic lactic.The aerobic energy system is where the muscles use oxygen to work.The anaerobic alactic energy system is where the muscles do not require oxygen to work and no lactic acid is produced.The anaerobic lactic energy system is where the muscles do not use oxygen and lactic acid is produced.

Making the best of Energy production
Different events require athletes to use combinations of the three energy systems.Training programs need to take into account which types of energy systems are the most important for the athlete and work to increase the capability of the specific energy systems and muscles which the athlete will need.

Track and Field Training and Coaching Information

goos stuff ill check it out forsure...

When you're using testosterone or even a low would be the equivalent of doing your workouts and mileage to not feel any pain,but how long will you last ?
Using test will shut you down.You're already making test.

You may want to check out this book as I have it in front of me.

Encyclopedia of track & field [Book] ( From Google)
$4 online
Prentice-Hall Press (1986) - Hardback - 208 pages - ISBN 0671619152
Describes the history, rules, and training methods for running, jumping, and throwing events, identifies leading athletes in each event, and includes tips for young athletes.

Most of these running program takes 6 months of training leading to the final months of racing.It's a good book...and cheap too! The 400M program has aerobic,anaerobic alactic and anaerobic lactic running programs. Check it out.

good stuff ill check it out, thank you
good stuff ill check it out, thank you

The only advice you're going to get on this forum at 18 years old is don't do steroids yet.

That's the reason for the flaming. We all understand that you have tunnel vision and you have your mind set that you're going to run something.

Maybe consider not doing steroids?
i appreciate your opinion that u think im a dumbass for having an interest in this whole process ... however your latest post was pretty disrespectful ... read the title of my thread you wise ass .. "NEED ADVICE" that means im here to hear others advice and to learn. And knocking my Knowledge on AAS, excuse me ... id like to see where your interests where at 18 , probably dieting on cereal and hot pockets. i dont understand the need to be a dick , for apparently no reason.

if you have an input on the topic of a low dose test only cycle or think im too young ... please add on, im all ears. otherwise get the fuck off my thread.

when I was 18 all I did was get pussy u fuckin queer.I shit on your thread!
You're being young n got your whole life to pin roids...chalenege yourself to do it natty, it will be well worth it.
So did you take advice, or you deciding when to pin?

ahha im taking a PH right now which will end on Sept 15 .... ill take 4 weeks off after my pct and then honetly im not sure yet. i have 1g that i wanna blow on HGH at 4iu pd all the way through my preseason and season ... but well see. what do u think bout gh ? the Rips ?
I think you're better off running Mk-2866--> cheap and effective. Run 8weeks on 6weeks off repeat. I've taken Phs as well as Mk (ostarine)... Mk is better... also not suppressive

Or you could stack Mk with clomid... clomid will double your body's natural test production

...Just some ideas on how to get become "enhanced" without suppression
I think you're better off running Mk-2866--> cheap and effective. Run 8weeks on 6weeks off repeat. I've taken Phs as well as Mk (ostarine)... Mk is better... also not suppressive

Or you could stack Mk with clomid... clomid will double your body's natural test production

...Just some ideas on how to get become "enhanced" without suppression

Can also stack MK-2866 with S4

Some people have reported some supression from the SARMs though...but if he gets clomid anyways as a mini-pct then he should be good.
s4 has potential for suppression. Mk can raise E2. I haven't heard any bad sides w/ GW yet.

You might want to consider running MK and GW. GW is for endurance and might help w/ your track training. I'm not suggesting S4 because I hate it.