First cycle need advice!!!!!!!!!


New member
First cycle I plan to try to see how my body reacts is deca 250 and test e 250 for 2 weeks. I've read you should just run test the first time but this is what I'm wanting to do. I'm wanting to know what all I would for on cycle and pct and when to take and how much? Thanks in advance for your advice
Welcome to the boards! What are your stats, weight, age, bf% etc. and what made you decide to do Deca and Test as a first cycle?
First cycle I plan to try to see how my body reacts is deca 250 and test e 250 for 2 weeks. I've read you should just run test the first time but this is what I'm wanting to do. I'm wanting to know what all I would for on cycle and pct and when to take and how much? Thanks in advance for your advice

So what YOU need to DO is start reading and educating yourself. Two (2) weeks , really WTF are you thinking. Steroids are No magic pill. By your Q's and statements it shows you don't have a clue as to what steroid do and what they do not do.

Two weeks and you will still be shut down and have to recover so WTF are you trying to do or see because 2 week will tell you NOTHING. Like all the newbies you say things like I know I should / 0r they say I should only do test " BUT, I want to do it this way" huh well you don't need us....

How old are you and what are your stats? :dunno:
First cycle I plan to try to see how my body reacts is deca 250 and test e 250 for 2 weeks. I've read you should just run test the first time but this is what I'm wanting to do. I'm wanting to know what all I would for on cycle and pct and when to take and how much? Thanks in advance for your advice

The only thing that might happen in two weeks is water retention because you didn't mention an ai. This is a complete waste. Deca kicks in after 6+ weeks and test e after 4+.

Keep reading and if you cannot commit to a 12 week test only cycle then AAS isn't for you.