Hey guys... This is my second post but with a changed cycle... I am 23 years old, 6ft 3 and 195 pounds... very lean with 6 pack etc..
I have been doing reseach for around 2 weeks and trying to get tips but this shit is complicated!... I have decided i am going to go with Testosterone Enanthate for my first cycle and run it at 500mg per week for 12 weeks... I have read many contrasting articles about post cycle therapy (pct)s and what to take and when to take them... To be honest I'm not the most wealthy person in the world and would be looking for the cheapest but effective ingredients... I think I might buy the testosterone from a website called gear4mass as this is UK based and has decent reviews...
Could anyone please help me with my post cycle therapy (pct) and also what to take alongside the test e and when to take it?... Also if anyone knows where i can get the cheapest stuff it would be greatly appreciated.
TAMOXIFE (Nolvadex) - I can't afford Clomid aswell but some say you don't need both ?
Do I need all of these or can I skip a few? I really need to know what to take and when to take it so any help at all with be very much appreciated!
Also... what is the average you would spend on a 12 week cycle of Test E with all the post cycle therapy (pct)s ect?
I have been doing reseach for around 2 weeks and trying to get tips but this shit is complicated!... I have decided i am going to go with Testosterone Enanthate for my first cycle and run it at 500mg per week for 12 weeks... I have read many contrasting articles about post cycle therapy (pct)s and what to take and when to take them... To be honest I'm not the most wealthy person in the world and would be looking for the cheapest but effective ingredients... I think I might buy the testosterone from a website called gear4mass as this is UK based and has decent reviews...
Could anyone please help me with my post cycle therapy (pct) and also what to take alongside the test e and when to take it?... Also if anyone knows where i can get the cheapest stuff it would be greatly appreciated.
TAMOXIFE (Nolvadex) - I can't afford Clomid aswell but some say you don't need both ?
Do I need all of these or can I skip a few? I really need to know what to take and when to take it so any help at all with be very much appreciated!
Also... what is the average you would spend on a 12 week cycle of Test E with all the post cycle therapy (pct)s ect?