First cycle, need your guys's blessing on this plan.


I am banned!
I'm 18 (save it) and have been lifting for about a year now. I'm about to go on my first cycle and was looking to ensure I have everything in order. I've done tons of research and think I've got it down. I have everything here and ready except the Clomid, but that can wait for now.

Here it is:
Weeks 1-14 500mg/week of Test-E. 250mg on Monday, 250mg on Thursday.
Weeks 1-14 .25mg Arimidex EOD from the start. If any symptoms of high estrogen, increase to .5mg EOD and go back to .25 when they subside.
Weeks 14-16 Stop everything
Weeks 16-20 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Weeks 16-20 Probably going to buy Clomid sometime mid cycle for 100/100/50/50.

Diet (won't do this until week 6, when the test kicks in)
-4000 calories a day
-260g protein

The only thing I'm unsure of is the use of Arimidex from the start of the cycle. Some people have said that could result in too low of estrogen, which is bad. Some people have also said that it's better to wait until you get high est symptoms first before taking an AI. Thoughts on that?

Lifting a whole year. Impressive! You must have reached your gentic peak already.

The goal here is to get there quicker. Like a shortcut.

EDIT: Also I'm fine with the possibility that this could fuck up my natural test and put me on TRT for the rest of my life.
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The goal here is to get there quicker. Like a shortcut.

EDIT: Also I'm fine with the possibility that this could fuck up my natural test and put me on TRT for the rest of my life.
reckless . clearly u need to check ur head. what ever happened to working to earn something and feeling pride in things . these days its all about having everything yesterday. Ur 18 . do u even work ? saying ur cool with being on trt your whole life . unreal reckless teens . and whos gonna pay for ur trt when ur all messed up . mom ? wake up man
reckless . clearly u need to check ur head. what ever happened to working to earn something and feeling pride in things . these days its all about having everything yesterday. Ur 18 . do u even work ? saying ur cool with being on trt your whole life . unreal reckless teens . and whos gonna pay for ur trt when ur all messed up . mom ? wake up man

I have a job, working 28 hours a week. More than enough money for my car premiums, food, and in this case gear.

If this thread isn't going to get anywhere I will just close this tab and lie about my age on some other forum.
dude im not trying to be harsh . but the choice ur making is a reckless not properly thought through decision. youve been training one year . and already given up on seeing any progress fast enough for you . are you going to compete ? if not why start at such an early age . at your age u can achieve so much more naturally without screwing up your system . and if u are competing , that no patience attitude u have right now aint gonna get you nowhere . not even one year . and already pregress is too slow for you . u have a lifetime ahead . but u need it all now . live fast die young friend
dude im not trying to be harsh . but the choice ur making is a reckless not properly thought through decision. youve been training one year . and already given up on seeing any progress fast enough for you . are you going to compete ? if not why start at such an early age . at your age u can achieve so much more naturally without screwing up your system . and if u are competing , that no patience attitude u have right now aint gonna get you nowhere . not even one year . and already pregress is too slow for you . u have a lifetime ahead . but u need it all now . live fast die young friend

So according to you guys only two things are going to happen if I start too young:
1. Growth plates fuse (I'd actually like that at this point, I don't wanna be taller than 6'3")
2. Natural test production is shut down permanently. MAYBE.

In the case of #2 I can simply go on TRT when I'm 30+ and just blast and cruise through my 20s like a certain someone (you know who i'm talking about). So where is the issue? TRT really isn't a big deal. It costs like $18 a month. I don't want to wait until 25 (when your prime is almost over) to reap the benefits of gear. If my post cycle bloods show that my natural test is fucked then I have no problem blasting and cruising for ~6 years then just going on TRT for life. You act like TRT is a big deal.
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thats not the problem . u lack experience and rational . ur using gear to get u to a certain size which with only 1 year of training you cant even be close. why not train till u have a bit more size on u and know how to properly train , then use the gear to help reach where u cant get too naturally ? whats the big hurry man . uve been training one year and sounds like life is ending for you in 2 weeks that u need shit to happen right away . What do u know of nutrition ? how much do u even weigh ? One day ull look back , and surely realize how reckless your mind is when u were 18 . no pride . remember these words . they will haunt u one day as they did many of us . an intelligen person will learn from someone elses mistakes . a moron will watch people screw up over and over , yet is doomed to still repeat all the mistakes for himself after being told countless times .
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Do what u wanna do . ive said what i had to say . It was all in trying to lead u to a better/wiser decision . youll do what u wanna do anyways . but remember this . im not going to reply anymore . i have nothing left to say .
Do what u wanna do . ive said what i had to say . It was all in trying to lead u to a better/wiser decision . youll do what u wanna do anyways . but remember this . im not going to reply anymore . i have nothing left to say .

Don't think that you're not getting to me because for the first time during my countless research I'm actually taking a step back and reconsidering all this.

Anyways, I'd bet a large majority of steroid users are just using gear as a shortcut to get to their genetic potential... Everyone wants to look nice in their prime, not when they're 26+...
Don't think that you're not getting to me because for the first time during my countless research I'm actually taking a step back and reconsidering all this.

Anyways, I'd bet a large majority of steroid users are just using gear as a shortcut to get to their genetic potential... Everyone wants to look nice in their prime, not when they're 26+...

Lol a large majority of steroid users also look like complete shit man, and one of the reasons why is they just pumped themselves full of steroids before reaching there natural potential and also didn't have years of natural experience in the gym to learn from. Also your prime is not 26 I wrote down all the prime years of the best mr Olympia's ever and they were all 30 to 40 years old in there prime. They worked out naturally for a decent amount of time then some where in there 20's started cycling steroids and once they hit 30 all of them hit there prime bodybuilding years where they won all there mr Olympia titles.

Why the hell would we lie to you about all of this? If you want a great physique and strong natural built tendons to support it you need to have years of natural weight lifting. What do you think is going to happen when you blow up on a cycle and your body hasn't fully developed yet? It will most likely result in injury. Also it is amazing how much more your brain matures the older you get from 18 to 25 each year you learn a incredible amount and it changes the way you think. Personally when I look at 18 year olds I still see kids there body's and minds are just not done developing and that's not a bad thing. Even when I see people who are 23 and 24 compared to 25 and 26 year olds I see a very big mental difference between the two age groups. At 18 your not mentally ready to deal with everything that comes with taking steroids. You should be out banging hot girls and going to college not pumping yourself full of steroids to look like a bodybuilder.

If you want better results in the gym I would highly recommend you get your self a nutritionist and a personal trainer. A nutritionist is more important in my opinion because after a few sessions with a personal trainer you should have learned all the techniques on how to correctly do all the lifts. Nutrition is a lot harder to figure out on your own and is more of a science. At the end of the day you are going to do what you are going to do, but take a moment to think about why the hell everyone on a steroid board who has experience with steroids would tell you not to take them at 18. Lol you are on a steroid board every one on here is pro steroids, and we are telling you to wait for your own good.
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I do NOT mean the prime of bodybuilding, I mean the prime of your life.
Are you really telling me that the reason I shouldn't be doing roids right now are because of my tendons? Comeon, you of all people should know that steroids also speed up the recovery of tendons. I still haven't seen many valid reasons of why starting now is so bad. Why should I reach my genetic potential? I want to get everything faster. I want my time to be efficient. If I can make unreal gains, why not?

Also what about all those skinny kids who go from WoW nerds at age 18 to damn near gods by age 21? Trust me, I'm limiting myself right now by not being on gear. I would train 3 hours a day but there's no point in doing that natty. I'd eat a lot more protein but there's no point in doing that natty since I already eat enough. You all think I lack the discipline, well I don't.

Here's what I'll do. Since I came here looking for advice and I'm clearly not going to get it, I'll continue with the cycle as laid out in the OP and bump this thread in about a year. Ill update and be 100% completely honest and if anymore (stupid) teenagers come through asking about this, you can link them here and they can read my report.

I mean thanks for the concern everyone but holy shit.
Well there are already plenty of flaws in what you responded back to me with. But why should I bother to point them out to you? Have fun with your incredibly strong tendons that you will get from that testosterone cycle...... Lol as a mod I really can't just be a dick and leave you with that horrible plan. Super physiological doses of testosterone like 500mg's lowers collagen production which will weaken your tendons dramatically just to let you know. Yes there are steroids out there that raise collagen production, but a lot of bodybuilders fuck up there tendons still. Well we all warned you, and you didn't listen so I wish you the best of luck man. Tendons will be the least of your worries anyways.
Zyzz was a young guy who liked to party didn't take his heart condition seriously enough mixed recreational drugs, steroids, and god only knows what else and ended up dead in a sauna. Not every single person who takes steroids will fuck up there tendons it is just a possibility. Lol and I'll give you another very very important piece of advice make sure to make your profile pic on the new forum your going to lie about your age on a picture of Zyzz. Bodybuilders love Zyzz and they will instantly respect you.
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